All-Star Nightline Episode

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Yeah but to be fair Orange already doesn't have stones on their uniforms. In order for this to work, there would have to 1. be a lot of high profile (formerly glitzy) teams do it and 2. middle ground..... blinged uniforms...easy on the face.

The poufs....just because the size of them tends to be extra kind of falls along the curls line for me

Throwback to Stars 2010 with the low ponytails and flowers in their hair.
Throwback to Stars 2010 with the low ponytails and flowers in their hair.

You thought the low curly ponytail with a flower was low key? Chile I guess.

I'm not going to be happy until everyone rocks Orange is the New Black cornrows (RIP Tricia), one coat of mascara and one swipe of Carmex

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I would be happy with a straight back high ponytail with a basic 3 inch bow. Basic meaning a one color, standard ribbon.

As for make up, I think anything more than a natural smokey eye, mascara, minimal blush, and a red lip is completely unnecessary. And anybody younger than a junior aged team really doesn't need the eyeshadow either. Just mascara, blush, and red lips.

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In my opinion I think we enjoy wearing the makeup and doing the big hair because it makes us more feminine. Face it, what we are doing is not feminine(the death defying stunts and crazy tumbling) it gives us a way to not be seen as just flipping machines and helps give a little spunk.
I'm sorry, so what you're saying is that because we're athletes... That somehow makes us less feminine... So we wear the makeup to reinforce that we are women?
No. The problem is that people have certain ideas stuck into their heads about "athletic" and "feminine" being mutually exclusive. Therefore, they look at our sport and see the hair and makeup and assume it's not a sport bc we get done up for it. Even people in our sport think along those lines and believe we have to change. But we don't. Each gym should be able to do what they want (within reason - keep uniforms practical please. Nothing that inhibits performance) whether that's a simple uni with straight back pony and a touch of mascara or a blinged uniform with a full face of makeup and curly hair. People can pick the gym that's right for them. Neither is more athletic than the other, we're all in the same sport. And we have the chance to show the world that you can put on makeup and slay or wear zero makeup and slay. (Not all directed at you, just a jumping off point.)

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Until we stop having comps that resemble rock concerts, we can not ignore the physical aspects of how we look during a comp (and I don't see that happening! Comps become bigger productions every year.). As long as we have harsh lighting and hold our comps in large venues, makeup needs to be part of the process.

(ftr, I believe that the theatrical aspects of cheer is one of the reasons that I have fallen in love with the sport that cp chose!)
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I make a living in a sport where I wear knee high boots and a version of a sport coat and people constantly question the legitimacy of sport even though it's in the Olympics. Never bothered me though.. It's what I love. I'd do it in any attire. (And I dare anyone to legitimize an outdoor sport in July in the south in long sleeves, a sport coat, and long pants with high boots. There are definitely more sporty options but it's tradition and it'll never change)

If I'd been as personally offended as some of you seem to be by glitter eye makeup and sparkliness, I wouldn't have let Droplet onto that tiny team when she was 5. I'm not concerned about people thinking this isn't a sport because of the attire. Why does it matter so much? If you love the sport for the sake of what it is, why does it matter what Stewie from school thinks?
I make a living in a sport where I wear knee high boots and a version of a sport coat and people constantly question the legitimacy of sport even though it's in the Olympics. Never bothered me though.. It's what I love. I'd do it in any attire. (And I dare anyone to legitimize an outdoor sport in July in the south in long sleeves, a sport coat, and long pants with high boots. There are definitely more sporty options but it's tradition and it'll never change)

If I'd been as personally offended as some of you seem to be by glitter eye makeup and sparkliness, I wouldn't have let Droplet onto that tiny team when she was 5. I'm not concerned about people thinking this isn't a sport because of the attire. Why does it matter so much? If you love the sport for the sake of what it is, why does it matter what Stewie from school thinks?
It only matters to the extent that Stewie might have a younger sister Stephie who might have been interested if Mother Shelly wasn't overly freaked by the clown-esque attire of the girls in Stephie's age group.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the majority of new people would prefer something in the middle ground, leaning less glitz. I'd love for you to have met 5 year old KTG when my mother was slapping me with eyeliner and poking out my eyes with mascara. Just no.
I don't know...the moms of the littles I know (five and under) are the biggest proponents of glitter, full face make-up, big hair at practice, and costume-like uniforms. They're the once dropping all the cash on custom blinged sports bras and the like. *shrug*

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It only matters to the extent that Stewie might have a younger sister Stephie who might have been interested if Mother Shelly wasn't overly freaked by the clown-esque attire of the girls in Stephie's age group.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the majority of new people would prefer something in the middle ground, leaning less glitz. I'd love for you to have met 5 year old KTG when my mother was slapping me with eyeliner and poking out my eyes with mascara. Just no.
So do you think we should change the look of our sport to attract more athletes? Our sport is big in glitz, and there are some gyms that are more simple, but a majority of the popular image of All-star is very glitzy so maybe our sports just isn't a fit for Stephie and her family because of that. Why should we worry about her if its not a fit unless we change our image?
I wouldn't say change the sport for new athletes, but maybe pump the brakes a bit on the 'glitz'. It's different if you joined all-star for the hair and makeup, but some joined for the skill set. It's changed over the last 8 years where the 'look' is standing out over the skills (at least around us). I can't count the number of times I've heard "you better be tan by practice tomorrow or don't show up" (from kids, not coaches). My kid wanted to scream "focus on hitting your pass before worrying about my tan". Or "perfect poufs prevent poor performances". What does that even mean? The best hair beats out the best skills? I've just noticed more energy put into tans, hair and makeup (even for practices) instead of teamwork and skills.

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Here's my two cents on makup/bows/hair/uniforms. If makeup is not on the score sheet then what's the difference between having lots of makeup on or have a little if you're not be scored on it. Big bows little bows is still a bow. Blinged out uniforms or athletic look is still a uniform. So if these are not on the score sheet why should it matter if Susie wants get all dolled up? She's not getting scored on lots make up but at the same time she's not getting scored on having less or no make up either. And as for showing GB getting ready and saying its not what this sport is about but in reality it is since it's being discussed.
Side note. But are any of yall able to watch an episode of Toddlers and Tiaras and just KNOW that they're also involved in cheer....

Oh, yes, they definitely are. Also, as a former T&T watcher (y'all please don't judge me :D), I wondered if the Nightline producers borrowed a page out of the T&T playbook when Michaeleddie had to run back, last minute, and find his credentials. Just like the panicking T&T pageant mom, with no time to spare, racing back to the hotel room to find whatever the heck it was just as the judges are calling her little Mackenzee Grace to the stage....

I actually enjoyed seeing a glimpse into the Riveras and Manning families and was intrigued and wanted to know more about why/how they make it all work as a family with "extraordinary circumstances." I wasn't impressed with how the Butlers were presented, but I'm sure that's editing for you.
Oh I can definitely say that the mini parents I coached LOVED the bra tops, blinged out, makeup, etc.

I told my minis hair all up in a high ponytail with your bow. I got asked t parents if we could do poofs and that was a no since sometimes even the ponytails needed to be fixed. I wasn't about to fix ponytails and poofs. Also our girls have full tops but some parents love the crop tops the seniors and open athletes wear and I'm sure would have no issue what so ever letting their kids wear a crop top to compete in. I don't think makeup is a bad thing in a sport. I just thing some fads need to be thrown out the window in regards to uniforms. I love a cute cutout but having more than one and so much bling your blinded is a bit much. I get that teams try to outdo each other but that should be put in a routine..not by what you wear lol

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I wouldn't say change the sport for new athletes, but maybe pump the brakes a bit on the 'glitz'. It's different if you joined all-star for the hair and makeup, but some joined for the skill set. It's changed over the last 8 years where the 'look' is standing out over the skills (at least around us). I can't count the number of times I've heard "you better be tan by practice tomorrow or don't show up" (from kids, not coaches). My kid wanted to scream "focus on hitting your pass before worrying about my tan". Or "perfect poufs prevent poor performances". What does that even mean? The best hair beats out the best skills? I've just noticed more energy put into tans, hair and makeup (even for practices) instead of teamwork and skills.

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Right. I don't think anyone is advocating competing in plain colored uniforms with no individuality, but there's a happy medium between athletic and the beauty pageant look we seem to be favoring these days.

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