I recognize that there are some divisions in which you are always going to have limited competition.
Ex: Junior 5, Mini 2, Y4, etc. There are just not that many and you cannot control how many choose to travel, enter, etc.
However, I've never understood WANTING your kid to have limited competition or complaining that there are too many teams.
This reminds me of pageant world.
I help put on a LITTLE MISS MIDDLE SCHOOL charity pageant associated with a middle school in my district of employment.
EVERY YEAR, no fewer than 2-3 girls will withdraw 4 weeks before the pageant because:
*THERE ARE TOO MANY GIRLS IN SUZY'S AGE GROUP. (I'm talking there are 5 girls competing in 10-12 and Suzy's mom thinks that is too many.)
*Suzy just turned 10 and mom does not want her to compete in 10-12. She'd rather her compete in 7-9 with fewer kids.
*Certain Awesome Girl is entering, they just found out, and they do not want to compete against her.
I've never understood it because I've always felt like you should want your kid to compete against the best. Pulling a kid for these reasons is basically saying "I do not want to play because I think my kid is going to lose and I have no confidence in her abilities."