The last gym we were with had this rule (which is one of the only things I liked about that gym). Not that ANYONE followed it. We're rule followers so we didn't let our (then) mini level 2 get in the pool. So we were the evildoer parents that must be thwarted because all of her team mates were in the pool. My absolute favorite was the Saturday of a two day when our room was next to the pool and probably 8 of her team mates were splashing 10pm...when we had to meet the team for sunday finals at 7:30 AM! We turned on the a/c unit so she couldn't hear them so she'd go to sleep and be rested for the morning. That worked but if looks could kill, we'd all be dead she was so mad we wouldn't let her go to the pool.
No surprise to anyone, one of her team mates (who didn't feel all that great on Saturday) shows up on Sunday 30 minutes late...with a 103 fever. She was one of the ones who was in the pool until after 11 7 years old! To say we were cremated on Sunday would be a considerable understatement. Was it all due to the But, I have issues with people who don't follow team rules. It puts those of us who do in a bad situation with our kids and causes drama (I think) between the kids on the mat between the ones that follow the rules and the ones that don't. If you don't like the rule.....don't choose that gym. But, if you're going to be a part of that a part of it. Don't pick and choose what you do/don't like and hence choose to follow.
Cheer competitions are cheer competitions. They aren't vacations. You're there to get the job done for your team. When your job is done it can be about you. Before then, it's about the other X number of people on that mat and your responsibility is to be rested, ready and healthy so you can do the job that needs to be done for your team. When you're done with that....feel free to do whatever you like. But, you wouldn't even be there if not for the team so the team comes first.