All-Star No Tolerance For Underage Drinking At Worlds?!

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I have no idea. I was just saying that (for ample) in canada if you're 18, you can drink publicly I believe. I'm not sure, so don't take that as fact. But what it comes down to, to me at least, is more of a thing chalked up to cultural differences.

Are you serious that you have no idea? Of course you have to follow the laws here! It's not "cultural differences" - it's breaking the law. There is NO ONE that comes here for Worlds that doesn't know that you can't drink here under 21. ESPECIALLY not from Canada. :rolleyes:

The more Worlds threads I read, the more I'm convinced that the USASF doesn't know a hill of beans about what a "rule" or a "law" is, unless it pertains to US athletes.

Do I think it's necessarily the USASF's job to punish athletes for drinking? Yes and no. Since they're the ones saying that underage drinking will not be tolerated, then YES, they then become responsible for following through on that and enforcing it. But I feel like parents and gym owners are responsible for this too. The gym owner is who I'd be calling or emailing.

I think there will always be underage drinking at any activity with a large number of teenagers involved. But that doesn't make it OK to just turn a blind eye and act like it doesn't exist. I hope for the USASF's sake that none of these underage drinkers are ever seriously hurt (or worse) at this block party...because I promise you THEN they'll be held responsible.

Jeez USASF - can you just make rules and enforce them? EQUALLY for EVERYONE who attends worlds??? What is so hard about this? I know we're trying to get more people from other countries to come, and we're trying not to "upset" them...but in the process we're starting to look like clowns to them.

@Mamarazzi I'm sure NEITHER will ever be addressed. :rolleyes:
there was so much drinking this year...i felt like there was more this year then last..
someone on my team was talking about the block party but she said it wasn't for younger kids and she didn't know why but that was the first thing i thought of
true, but most of these teams never visit america for no more than a weekend anyway. but i say if your going to drink, do it in your room, NOT a place where children walk around looking up to adults like there superhero's. It's not just a bad influence on the cheerleaders, but also to little kids there as well. In germany you can drink at the age of 16. i would understand if they only came to americaa for that weekend and did not know the drinking age. but the teams should be enlightened before they come over here.
i know,espically at DISNEY!!! place, probs most place kids go!
It may be acceptable in their country to drink while 18 but when they are in the US they follow our laws and it is ILLEGAL to drink under the age of 21 in the United States. When they cross out boarder they follow our laws which means it doesn't matter if they can go get smashed at 18. I will admit when I was underage I drank, but looking back at it all it was stupid for me to do. I really really think that the USASF needs to crack down hardcore on the underage drinking. If you can't make it a weekend without a drink you need to skip worlds and head to AA because you have a big problem. EPs do not send you to worlds to drink they send you there to compete.
I attended the block party with my daughter and her friend and it was a miserable event! I wish I could get my money back!! Adults were far and few between. I witnessed such obnoxious behavior that I will never let my child attend the event again....chaperoned or not. Saw a girl puking in the middle of the street. Kids throwing trash everywhere while disney employees were around them trying to sweep things up. Saw a group attempting wheelchair stunting using a disney wheelchair. Rude behavior towards the disney tour guide on the Great Movie Ride. The mob trying to have a dance party at the hat while yelling obscenities at the security guards....just lovely! The best was the 2 kids passed out on the sidewalk just outside the front gates. Disney security was trying to get them up while kids stood around and laughed about them being drunk. There was only 5 attractions open for the kids and we did them all in less than 2 hours. We opted to leave early but on our way out we heard them start to shut the party down thanks to the poor behavior.

All weekend long during the competition they were announcing the block party and included friends and family. Well, this is not a family friendly event. Parents and coaches need to control their kids. Period.
Wasn't there, but so often at events like this there seems to be such a herd mentality that so often devolves to the lowest common denominator. Am I not correct in presuming that the overwhelming majority of participants there are under 21 - I guess I'm still wondering where the parents are? And wouldn't you think the coaches would read the riot act to their athletes about representing their gym in a positive light? And no excuses for int'l teams. It is the gym's responsibility to inform their athletes of the laws and possible penalties. Ignorance of the law is no excuse when americans go to foreign countries, same holds for the reverse. (Just as int'l teams should be expected to be responsible enough to get good translations of the rules of competition at Worlds, just as I would expect American teams to take it upon themselves to know the rules of a foreign competition they might attend - oops, nevermind - I guess I thought I was on a different thread for a minute:rolleyes:.)
well then again, i dont blame the the norm in other countries its okay for them to drink! were as well as like 3 more countries the only one to allow drinking past 21 everyone else is 18 and under or so. so i cant blame for what they were taught growing up that it was okay to drink and then come for a weekend and its not okay. i know its agianst our laws but we shouldnt hold it against them! and as far as U.S atheletes drinking thats the responsibility of the parents not USASF! there cheer and dance not alcohol prevention! If you see it you should report it to peace officers! thats my opinion

The legal drinking age in Quebec is 19 years old. The laws of the land are what should be followed however. Drunk and disorderly is never legal or acceptable.
Correction - its 18 in Quebec. This is the legal age to purchase and to consume. It is not legal to drink under the supervision of your parents.
If I were a senior coach, I would not let my kids out of my sight. But that's just me. I feel like all these problems could be solved if there was a curfew in which cheerleaders HAD to be in, and every room would have a parent chaperone, just like a school field trip. This way coaches could make sure everyone was safe, sound, and law abiding. Aside from the underage drinking, this is a HUGE safety issue. One of these kids (drunk or not) clearly not being supervised by anyone could simply just disappear and nobody would know they were gone for hours. If I were a kidnapper, this is exactly where I would be. I don't see the need for the parks to be open at night. These athletes should understand (and have pounded into their heads) that they are there to compete. Not to party, stay out late, drink, hook up, dance etc. If parents knew what really went on they would think harder about sending their kids to Worlds without them.
If you're such a stickler for underage drinking you should be for violence as well ... just saying. Like it's been said I'm sure there was a lot of underage drinking and I'm afraid a complaint to USASF isn't going to magically fix the problem. I get you're frustrated because of a bad experience but some things can't be avoided. As far as them being uninvited to come back next year... Do you plan on USASF uninviting every gym that had underage girls drinking? Good luck having a Worlds next year

OH COME ON, she was standing up for herself and the rights of other people. that violence this is seriously uncalled for, SHES ONE OF THE FEW SMART TEENAGERS left in this generation, let her fight for her right. Its one thing to drink, but being obnoixious and rude in public is just annoying to anyone, trying to act cool perhaps? if youre gonna drink at worlds do it in your own hotel room.
I understand this is definitely a downside to having the block party, but I don't feel that it should be shut down. Controlled more and rules enforced? Absolutely! But yes these kids are there to compete and thats what they did the entire weekend. For 90% of them this is their last competition of the season and for some their last competition before no longer becoming senior eligible. Let them go and celebrate the accomplishments of making it and competing at worlds. Even though they are there to compete the pros of having Worlds at disney is they are able to go and celebrate with their team and other friends they have made from other teams at the block party since they have been competing all weekend! I would hate to see the block party get shut down because I could just imagine what would happen then. Even this year with the DJ being cancelled there was talks of setting up a huge unsupervised party elsewhere.

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