All-Star Oh My! Cheer Perfection Mom Arrested....

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I just realized I replied to the wrong comment.:D. causing confusion.

I saw CTR owner Alisha's interview, my heart breaks for her. Stinks all the hard work she has put into her gym and building their reputation to have it tarnished by others sucks! I can appreciate her for removing her husband from the gym, immediately she treated him like an employer should treat an employee under the circumstance.
It was so painful to watch Alisha do that interview. She definitely showed her softer side. I wish nothing but support and well wishes for her, as it appears that Nancy Grace has found another topic to sink her teeth into.
Question for any parents here. If this was your childs gym what would you do? Just interesting to know since she said she had positive feedback..
I just realized I replied to the wrong comment.:D. causing confusion.

I saw CTR owner Alisha's interview, my heart breaks for her. Stinks all the hard work she has put into her gym and building their reputation to have it tarnished by others sucks! I can appreciate her for removing her husband from the gym, immediately she treated him like an employer should treat an employee under the circumstance.

I especially like that she was able to separate work and home. Work - treated him just like she should and would treat anyone who worked there. No questions asked, just "you're done here." But I love that when she talked about him as her husband it was totally different - she loves him and is going to get through this with him, but in no way is supporting or condoning his actions.

And she gets mad credit for making NO excuses for him. I was expecting her to downplay it and either blame the other guy or say it was a "one time thing" because of all the stress. Nope. She was like "Sigh. That idiot. I love him.... But I want to kill his dumb @$$."

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If my kid was at this gym, not sure what I would do. First off, the highly uncomfortable conversation with my 9 yr old CP about what happened would make me angry... just having to do that. Agreed that Andrea's actions cannot be held against the gym, but what about when you walk out in competition with a CTR uniform on? I would hope that the cheer community would rally behind those kids to cheer them on.... but I would worry about ridicule from peers. We all know how snarky and petty these kids can get (Twitter and IG show us the ugly side there). I just dont know what I would do.
If my kid was at this gym, not sure what I would do. First off, the highly uncomfortable conversation with my 9 yr old CP about what happened would make me angry... just having to do that. Agreed that Andrea's actions cannot be held against the gym, but what about when you walk out in competition with a CTR uniform on? I would hope that the cheer community would rally behind those kids to cheer them on.... but I would worry about ridicule from peers. We all know how snarky and petty these kids can get (Twitter and IG show us the ugly side there). I just dont know what I would do.

I wouldn't make a decision to pull my kids, based on the actions of another parents who is/was associated with same program. Granted it makes it harder because said parent were on national TV show. Because of the way Alicia handled the situation with her husband by removing him immediately would compel me to stay and make a decision at the end of the season if needed.
We would have left that gym after the first few episodes of the tv show aired or at the end of that cheer season depending on when the shows aired. I can't remember the time of year. It seems it was winter maybe?

Regardless, if for some reason we were at that gym now my CP would not be there anymore. Even though both of the "incidents" are not related to the gym directly (as in employees) the public perceives it in that way. I would have the drug incident conversation with her and not talk about the "parent" issue with her unless she brought it up to me. Only then would I talk with her about that but only with the most basic explanation I could. She is only 10.

If I was good friends with Alisha (sp?) I would remain her very supportive friend but the emotional health of my CP would come first, which would forever keep her out of any CTR uniform. Children, and if we are totally honest adults, can be viscious. They will attack whenever they can in some cases, even if they are attacking someone who really had nothing to do with a situation, just because that person is in some way associated with it.

In a perferct world I would have my CP continue on at the gym and tell her to hold her head high. But this is not a perfect world.

Okay, my two cents worth. Some may feel it is worth way less than that.

Let the games begin.
I am very impressed that Alisha did that interview and was so honest in her answers, especially when you find out that the same reports were outside the gym the day before and there was an altercation.
She has done the right thing as an employer in removing her husband from the gym and seeming to deal with the business and personal sides separately. It will be very difficult for the gym to remain running as normal though. If he was just an employee it would blow over a lot easier after his removal but as her husband people will question it for longer and will doubt her a lot more.

On another point though, how many owners does that gym have? Alisha and RD have always been referred to as co owners and then there is two other men releasing statements and giving interviews as the owner. It doesn't seem that big to have so many people claiming a share.

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I especially like that she was able to separate work and home. Work - treated him just like she should and would treat anyone who worked there. No questions asked, just "you're done here." But I love that when she talked about him as her husband it was totally different - she loves him and is going to get through this with him, but in no way is supporting or condoning his actions.

And she gets mad credit for making NO excuses for him. I was expecting her to downplay it and either blame the other guy or say it was a "one time thing" because of all the stress. Nope. She was like "Sigh. That idiot. I love him.... But I want to kill his dumb @$$."

I definitely agree with that. I'm really glad that she was able to separate the 2. One day that gym will be gone and her family will be all that she has left. I'm glad that she's choosing to stick by her husband and that she will (seemingly) be able to separate the two issues.
yes, show is on winter "break" they scaled down the #of shows for this season, beacause Kerry Washington aka Olivia Pope is pregnant.

They did scale down the number of episodes from 22 to 18 due her pregnancy, but the winter break was planned prior to the pregnancy. Scandal and Grey's Anatomy (and some other shows) opted to air their seasons in two 11 episode halves with no interruptions (with the exception of the week of Thanksgiving) partially due to the Winter Olympics and not wanting to compete with it.

I actually kind of like this way better because when it started and when it returns you flat out KNOW its going to be a new episode every week
Be very careful what you wish for. Sometimes your thirst for Fame comes with unintended consequences. Without the stupid, vapid and drama-mama poop show of a reality series, this would not have even crossed our radar.

But, things happen for a reason. Perhaps her behavior may not have surfaced, or she might not have been so quick to turn herself in if she were not "famous". Most pedophiles deny and try to avoid capture. When this boy grew too big, would she have moved on to another? We joke about the show. But, the more I think about it, I get mad because this is a child who will grow up scarred. He may even become abusive himself.

If this stupid show's only purpose was to bust this disgusting b!#ch, then, Yay!
and just now all of this is in the news: All of a sudden one of our national tv channel started to broadcast cheer perfection. first episode aired an hour ago.
the way they announced it: if you like dance moms, you'll love has 10 times the amount of drama!

I'm really wondering if it's a coincidence that they start showing it right now.

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