ACE WARRIORS- now that the stories been told, there will only be gold.
BRANDON SR BLACK- round and round that globe goes, where it stops nobody know, two oh double one, back for another one, werkkk it. done.
CA PANTHERS- watch your back or youll get scratchedd.
CA WILDCATS- this right here is wildcat swag, we got this thing in the bag.
CALI SM SR- cali this, cali that, better watch your back cause calis back. & cock it, pull it, forget it. & texas, and ga, and maybe even tennessee, 502 and 704, cant none of yall do it quite like me, quite like me, quite like me, cant none of yall do it quite like me, california loveee.
CALI SMOED- heyy smoeeddd, & we are s-m-o e-d. & cali smoed so vital. & you know were not done cali smoeds number one.
CALI SO 5- so this, so that, so legit and thats a fact.
CALI SPARKLE- everything looks better with a little sparkle.
CEA SR ELITE- the ladies you adore, back for one more, senior elite, evolution complete. & the world has been marked theres an x on the globe, now and forever we own the throne.
GA COCOS- in the beginning there was purple and black, georgia, the first international champions, we just gave you six years to catch up
GT PINK- (everything in there music) now im feeling so fly like a g-y-m-t-y-m-e, & allow me to reintroduce myself...
TSUNAMI- (like everything too) this is how your world began, and this is how it ends, tsunami tsunami. & tsnumai what you say to them haters & although you had a warning we came by surprise round 2 tsunamis on the rise.
F5- welcome back ladies, dont get it twisted, weve been here for years. & i know its hard to understand so let the queens expalin, the diva is back and you shoulddd knowww ourr nameeee. know the name, know the style, know the face, twisters, we cant be replaced. & dont get it twisted
ORLANDO ANGELS- orlando whats happening? everybody wanna go to disney, everybody wanna see mickey, everybody wanna win worlds, welcome to our house, you just visit but we live it, you amazed but we done did it.
TC CHEIFS- you can say gold globes this and world champs that, but this is dallas and the cheifs are back. copy copy paste paste all you haters do is waste, waste my time, step in line, but youll never take whats mine.
WC ODYSSEY- (like everything) we are hungry for more, ohhh someone had their bowl of fierce os today. & o-d, o-d-y, o-d-y-s-s-e-y, lets go, big 0. & in jersey we dont pump our gas, we pump our fists.
WC SS- bring back the girls, & dont let the prada fool ya. & let us not forget, who owns the thrown, stars.