All-Star Paying For Admission At Competitions

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I'm just trying to get everyone to understand that not charging spectators at the door isn't the same thing as free.

If we are talking TINSTAAFL then yes i know what you are saying. Or if you are saying that the cost is just handed out in the competition fees. Then i still understand what you are saying. If you are saying neither of these I am confused. :confused:
If we are talking TINSTAAFL then yes i know what you are saying. Or if you are saying that the cost is just handed out in the competition fees. Then i still understand what you are saying. If you are saying neither of these I am confused. :confused:

Well, I'm definitely including the second one, but I don't recognize TINSTAAFL and will probably be embarrassed when you tell me what it means.
Its a common business term that basically states that there is a cost for everything even if there isn't a money cost. It means "There is no such thing as a free lunch"
I just expect to pay. I would love an option to save a few $$ and maybe buy tickets in advance! Or not even save any $$, but just avoid waiting in line once getting to the venue.

At a "free" competition this year, I noticed a man enter the competition. Most in our group thought it was a little odd (his dress, being alone, not cheering for anyone, just sitting there.) Definitely made us raise the caution flags a bit. This sort of made me thankful for there being an admission charge.

Perhaps a "middle ground" of slightly increasing the price per athlete and charging a smaller admission fee ($5). Maybe even sending one admission "ticket, wristband, etc." for each athlete to the gym.
I just expect to pay. I would love an option to save a few $$ and maybe buy tickets in advance! Or not even save any $$, but just avoid waiting in line once getting to the venue.

At a "free" competition this year, I noticed a man enter the competition. Most in our group thought it was a little odd (his dress, being alone, not cheering for anyone, just sitting there.) Definitely made us raise the caution flags a bit. This sort of made me thankful for there being an admission charge.

Perhaps a "middle ground" of slightly increasing the price per athlete and charging a smaller admission fee ($5). Maybe even sending one admission "ticket, wristband, etc." for each athlete to the gym.

I like this idea. Or even an expansion on it. Allow athletes to buy tickets through the EP for a discounted price and everyone else pay full price at the door.
my junior and senior year cheering, my parents came only to cheersport because it was just in our price range
Its a common business term that basically states that there is a cost for everything even if there isn't a money cost. It means "There is no such thing as a free lunch"

Duh! Thanks. Told you I would be embarrassed.

And yes, I meant that as well.
Are most people who run events former cheerleaders or do they tend to be business minded people?
I am definitely guilty of wearing an old warm ups, a bow, and glitter to make my way into competitions for free. :oops: I mean they can't argue with you borrowing a uniform either..hahaha majority of the time it was when I was going to watch other teams from my gym at a competition that my team wasn't at, but I did this another time when I took a year off from all star.
I'm definitely guilty of putting on a warm-up and carrying a backpack. No one says anything, they just assume you're going to change and pull your hair up in the bathroom.
I'm definitely guilty of putting on a warm-up and carrying a backpack. No one says anything, they just assume you're going to change and pull your hair up in the bathroom.

Yep!! Unfortunately, there have been a few incidences where I was wearing my warm ups and even had my hair done, yet I was actually questioned whether or not I was competing (I was)!! :rolleyes: I know a lot of athletes complain about wrist bands/shoe tags, but that definitely helps reduce a lot of confusion..I got so angry when the lady was trying to tell me I wasn't coach had to come and vouche for me. Sorry I wasn't competing until 5hrs later haha and I was not the only athlete to run into that problem at this particular venue. I understand why the people at the door are skeptical because people do "fake compete" ha I mean I've done it clearly, but just let it go. I am wondering if I will have this issue at CANAM-I'm going to post in the CANAM thread regarding my concern :)
as we travel for all of our competitions the crazy admission prices have really put a damper on the whole season for us. Price of gas, parking, hotel etc plus another $30 to $40 for asmission is killer. Also not being able to bring in food or drink.
If EP's are reading this thread I have an idea. There is a discount for gyms that register early...why not a discount for spectators?? You can print out concert tickets, plane tickets or even get them on your phone it wouldn't be that hard for the EP do add this feature to thier website. This way they are receiving payment months early and as a business person I know that is a huge plus! If you don't want to do that please open a merchant account and accept cards!! It's not that difficult thing to do.... Who doesn't want to accept cash?? Lets see $30 x 1000 seats equals..... .mhmmm think the IRS is aware?? lol
I work for an EP, and in the past, most of our events were free admission except for competitions where the registration price was significantly lowered or where we donated the income from admissions to charities. This year, we've been charging admission at all of our events and some of the spectator's reactions to this have left me with some questions. Since most of my weekends are tied up working at the events the company I work for produces, I almost never get to go to other competitions. Is it rare to be charged admission these days? What do you usually pay to walk in the door at a local competition? What about a two day competition that's giving bids? Program directors, does an admission fee for your parents factor in to where you choose to compete?


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