All-Star Pick One Team Per Level 5 Division You Want To Win Worlds!

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Junior level 5 All star One Bottlerockets NCA
Small Senior 5: Cali Elite
Medium Senior 5 : Cheer Athletics
Large senior 5: Shooting Stars

Small Coed 5: All star one Big Bang haha (even tho we all know its either brandon again or smoed! :)
Medium Coed 5: New Jersey Spirit Explosion FAB5!
Large Coed 5: ACE Warriors!!!

IOAG 5- Pink​
Small Senior 5: Cali Elite
Small Senior Coed 5: SMOED
Medium Senior 5: Tsunami / Weather Girls
Medium Senior Coed 5: Twist and Shout Obsession
Large Senior 5: Cheer Extreme SE
Large Senior Coed 5: CA Cheetahs/ UA Prodigy
International 5: Rockstar Cheer Killers
International Coed 5:CA Wildcats
Small Senior 5: Cali Elite
Medium Senior 5: Weathergirls
Large senior 5: F5

Small Coed 5: Senior Black
Medium Coed 5: Twist&Shout Obsession
Large Coed 5: Top Gun

IOAG 5- Gymtyme Pink
IOC 5- Gymtyme Platinum
Small Senior: Orange
Medium Senior: Panthers
Large Senior: Senior Elite or Shoo Shoo Shooting Stars (love them both too much)
Small Coed: CALI Smoed
Medium Coed: Twist and Shout
Large Coed: Top Gun
IOAG6: Pink
IOC5: Top Gun
Small Senior- Orange

Also, does anyone else see BSB and think Back Street Boys, not Brandon Senior Black?

Lol, I think the opposite, I see BSB and think of Brandon, not Backstreet Boys (which is odd because i love them) :p
All along my wish has been for my supermodels to win, but after vegas I was so impressed with Lady Aces, but then theres the BABS and TSU.. Gonna be the division to give me heart failure for sure.
Junior level 5: Maryland Twister Super Cell (NCA) or Twist and Shout
Junior Co-Ed level 5: Cail Mafia (NCA)
Small Senior 5: Cali Senior Elite
Medium Senior 5: Woodlands Elite Generals or Weather Girls
Large senior 5: Maryland Twister F5

Small Coed 5: Brandon Senior Black/but want Cheer Eclipse (Top 5)
Medium Coed 5: Twist and Shout (Praying) or Charlotte Teal
Large Coed 5: Ace pyramid is sick

IOAG 5 - Gymtyme Pink
IOC 5- Top Gun I5 or Gymtyme Black
IOAG 6 - Cheer Athletics Ladykattzz
IOC 6- Thailand
Small Senior: Cali Elite or Cheer Extreme SSX
Medium Senior: Maryland Marlins Tsunami or Maryland Twisters Weather Girls
Large Senior: Cheer Extreme Senior Elite
Small Senior Coed: Cali Smoed or Brandon Senior Black
Medium Senior Coed: Spirit Of Texas or Twist & Shout
Large Senior Coed: Cheer Extreme Coed Elite or Top Gun
International Open All Girl: Gymtyme Pink
International Open Coed: Gymtyme Platinum
All along my wish has been for my supermodels to win, but after vegas I was so impressed with Lady Aces, but then theres the BABS and TSU.. Gonna be the division to give me heart failure for sure.

i may just be really tired.. but i cant for the life of me figure out who BABS is??
Small Senior 5: Cali elite
Mediun Senior 5: Cheer Athletics
Large Senior 5: SE but I'm in love with SS's routine so I'm kind of secretly rooting for them..
Small Senior Coed 5: USA Wildcats senior elite<3
I don't know the rest of the divisions​