Lol, don't kid yourself. Concussions weren't a new thing, it just took a little more information to start convincing parents they weren't just something you could sit out for a few minutes and all would be okay. In the past seven years, I have watched WINNING L5 teams go from having some layouts, fulls and a hand full of doubles, to full team doubles, majority team standing fulls and back and forth elite passes. They aren't going to outright ban tumbling right now, but it is smart to prepare and adapt for possible new medical findings.
Medical information is
just now catching up with the last 10-15 years of incredibly intense training in youth sports. The wear, tear and recurring injuries on joints is proving to have lasting quality of life consequences. As the last line in that article I posted said, "“But it’s a slow process. Not everything is going to happen overnight. It’s a culture change.”
ADM influencing change in youth football