Hate to keep going back and forth with you here b/c I definitely think you're making valid points!
At this point I don't think there is enough international representation for the competition to travel overseas. Considering how heavy US representation is, it makes the most sense to have it here.
Definitely know what you mean about the bottom line cost - and was actually thinking about it as I was typing - but I think people feel more at ease thinking of it as "free" and not having to worry about $$ every time they needed to get somewhere. Whether or not that's a huge factor is debatable, but something to note.
Also on the hotel thing: yeah, gyms stay together, but I imagine being there athletes surrounding you on all sides is really something else. I've competed at UCA and know that, even there, the All-Star Resorts feel pretty magical with so many teams around. I imagine Worlds would be even better. Having everyone out practicing around the hotel grounds seems very different than having teams inside an arena. Seems more of an every-weekend thing than an event, you know?
I think there are very few cities that have the appeal that Disney does. Disney is an internationally recognized attraction with an unbelievable amount of things to do. I imagine there are very few places that both attract international tourists and are a practical place for thousands of underage kids.
I do think at some point that Worlds will have to re-locate, but as of now, I think they've got a pretty good thing going on at Disney.