All-Star Prayers To Those In The Path Of Hurricane Sandy...

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Went for a drive to charge my phone. Literally in tears seeing the devastation. Estimating 20 billion in damages and 30 billion lost business. Some calling this our Katrina. There are still water rescues going on made difficult by all the down power lines and trees. Not to mention all the fires. The places where I grew up and spent so much time no longer exist. We're in pretty bad shape, but our gym is open. We'll be practicing tonight. My thoughts are with everyone in NJ.

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Went for a drive to charge my phone. Literally in tears seeing the devastation. Estimating 20 billion in damages and 30 billion lost business. Some calling this our Katrina. There are still water rescues going on made difficult by all the down power lines and trees. Not to mention all the fires. The places where I grew up and spent so much time no longer exist. We're in pretty bad shape, but our gym is open. We'll be practicing tonight. My thoughts are with everyone in NJ.

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I've been following this thread to keep up with you and I'm glad that you're safe. I'm completely saddened for you because I know firsthand the pain of living through this kind of storm. I fully agree that this was y'alls Katrina. The storm surge is what did it for us back then but y'all had an even worse wind and rain AND storm surge event. My prayers are with you NJ. Xoxo
Went for a drive to charge my phone. Literally in tears seeing the devastation. Estimating 20 billion in damages and 30 billion lost business. Some calling this our Katrina. There are still water rescues going on made difficult by all the down power lines and trees. Not to mention all the fires. The places where I grew up and spent so much time no longer exist. We're in pretty bad shape, but our gym is open. We'll be practicing tonight. My thoughts are with everyone in NJ.

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Thoughts and prayers from Long Island with you all. We still don't have power and I'm kind of happy I'm missing all of the newscasts showing the devastation, it sounds horrible enough from the descriptions on the radio.
I've been tweeting from @CheeringWonka if any of you are interested in taking a look. I didn't want to copy and paste everything onto this thread.
Somewhere online there is a video posted by the MTA, intended for use by news programs shows the whitehall/south ferry subway station and the damage. You can see them walking down into the main part of the subway where there's 4 inches of water. Eventually it pans over to where an escalator and staircase SHOULD be, but it's so flooded all you see are the handles. Utter madness.

On the plus- we just received word that there will be limited subway running in various parts of brooklyn and upper manhattan (wherever there was less damage). Thank you MTA workers, because apparently it was taking people 2-3 hrs just to GET into Manhattan by bus. If they could even get on a bus...
I'm at the gym, which has power. Currently charging my laptop and cell phone. It's so nice to have internet! We have teams practicing right now, so the kids are being kept busy, and the parents have a warm place to charge all their stuff. Everyone who was capable of travelling to the gym is here. Thankfully, it looks like our families have made it through with minimal damage. Those that live on the coast are dealing with flooding, and those are the ones with more substantial damage. It's really heartbreaking seeing all the devastation to the shore. It's going to take a long time and a lot of money to rebuild.
I live in tuckerton about 15 minutes from long beach island. Our towns are destroyed. Thousands without homes, luckily my house is on pilings 8 feet in the air yet there was still seven feet of water under my house. Our cars and garage are gone. And half towns homes are gone. Also, a few causualties and a decent amount missing from those who didnt evacuate the homes in serious danger.
Just got my iPad charged and I'm glad to be reading about all of the families that are safe. I'm in ct, and as others have said, there's no power and they aren't giving estimates as to when it's coming on. The wind was crazy here, thw stuff that was in my backyard flew up a a hill and ended up in our driveway. We lost a few large trees on our block, and thankfully our neighbors pnly lost their wrap around porch. One neighbow had a pop up shed, and we have no idea were it went! the wind was nuts, thankfully the only damage to my house was a loosened screen to a window. The gym is good, but 90% of my families don't have power. I had a dream that we practiced in the dark! Thankfully that won't have to happen!

Stay strong everyone!
It's times like this that we realize how important the Red Cross & FEMA are. If you are able to, please consider donating to these great organizations.
I was fortunate. I live basically in the center of Connecticut and all we had was the winds. All our coastal towns however, are in horrible shape. One area in particular had recently just finished rebuilding from the destruction of winter storm Alfred, exactly a year ago & they lost everything again! I keep praying for everyone there, along with New Jersey & New York, who were completely devastated.

It makes you put all the dumb arguments we have on here in perspective......
I have a cousin in Hampton beach NY. And she just put on facebook that the entire beach is gone. Nothing left, but thankfully shes in a warm safe place. I'm so glad she's okay
Just checking in. Still no power. Able to see some info on my phone, but it's depressing so I try not to look. Went to the gym yesterday to charge my phone and held practice for those that could get there. Just being able to be there and have something to do was amazing. Now they're telling us there's another storm coming this week, and it's supposed to be bad. Praying it'll miss us, but we don't seem to have much luck right now. Saw FEMA and the national guard today so I know they're here. Still searching for people/survivors in the towns next to me. Right now, they're saying 2 years to completely recover. Very sad times up here, but slowly I'm hearing reports of power coming back. Now if I can find a gas station.

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Oh Jen.....I'm so sorry!!! Prayers!