...That's kinda hard to police.
I mean, on one hand I think I can see where they were TRYING to go- yes, this is a team sport. Yes, each member is important and has a place- without a base, a flyer wouldn't be up in the air, but without a flyer a base would be just standing around. I get that they don't want to CREATE that environment. They don't want somebody to come around and decide 'I'm going to be a celebrity cheerleader that everybody knows.' Therefore putting them in the position of 'picking favorites' and dealing with 'Wannabe-Superstar-Suzy' and her Mom.
That being said, it completely misses the point of WHY those girls/guys got famous in the first place- their tumbling, their flying, their grace/skill/poise, and I also agree that looks/personality make up the 'package' as well. Your eyes are drawn to them..and WE choose them. They don't choose themselves. If they try, it's usually met with a lot of derision. We decided that a little blonde girl with a cute blonde bob and a teal headband was GORGEOUS in the air and horrendously charismatic. We noticed an amazing tumbling boy from Texas was awesome and we wanted to go to his Hill. We decided a kid with a shock of blonde hair was amazing in the dance section. We thought a sassy Redhead from Cali was worth watching. We discovered a terrific power girl from Georgia had flips for days and we loved watching her grow from a Tealy youth to an Orange baby to..wherever they've gone. That desperation for fame, however, that others are trying to cultivate. That's not the same thing..it comes from a terribly painful place of wanting attention and to be liked.