I am the team mom of the team this all happened on. I have for three days thought about how to reply/ respond on this post. I do not think anything positive can come from posting negative. What I will say is that I love all these kids with all my heart and things are not always as they appear. There are absolutely two sides to every story. I will tell you that the parent posting I considered a friend but at this point I am defending the team, program, and coach that I love. The previous post is not entirely accurate on the way things happened nor does it represent the way the said team or program is ran.
I have often had thoughts about the vast majority wanting/saying cheerleading is a sport (which I agree it is). The major difference I see in cheerleading than every other sport is the expectation to keep a child on the team not doing their job. In baseball if the pitcher is throwing balls, the athlete is pulled from the game. This sport should be no different. My CP was put on this team to tumble and if she could not do her job I would expect her to be pulled and be disappointed if she was not. It's a life lesson to do your job. This CP that the post is about was not yelled at or degraded/ demeaned. I sit in practices with the coaches and have witnessed first hand the encouragement of trying to get this CP back to doing standing tumbling. The CP had been doing running tumbling during practices but would get to comps and tumble on some teams and not others. This had happened at multiple comps this season. It can not be blamed on the coach as all the CP teams are coached by different coaches. And the tumbling issue happened randomly on different teams.
To address the multiple team issue....
The CP was put on 2 teams asked to be on the third and fussed until placed an a 4th team (which was a Worlds team) placement on that team was strictly to tumble. This worlds team also competed in Louisville on the same weekend that all the CP other teams competed in Atlanta. Hard to be at both those events at the same time which lead to having a fill in and eventually a replacement because the CP was not tumbling. To address all these athletes compete on all 4 of these teams. Absolutely not true. I only had this CP cross to the worlds team she was on. I had 5 cross to 1 of the teams she was on and 5 cross to the other. They were not the same 5.
There was a discussion with the CP on day one about not competing day two and the Coach had a conversation with the parent. I texted the parent because I was not aware that they were told. However, I would never walk away from being a team mom because of having to bear bad news to a parent or CP. I want to be there for both the parent and CP in any way possible. I am their biggest fan. Everyone here may have a completely different outlook on this but I love and nurture these kids and would give them anything. I want them to know at any point in their lives, if they need me I'm a phone call away. So with that said bad news does not bother me. Sometimes I feel like I can be a shoulder to cry on. If anyone here has any other questions I will try and answer them to the best of my ability but I will not answer if I feel like it will hurt the CP that was the focus of this feed.
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