MAJORITY of Sr teams are 14-15, which actually means the 12 yr old is closer to the average age than an 18 yr old. I think for the sake of argument, lowering the Max age would be better than bringing UP the min age. Now does that really even sound right!? No, if the few Max age kids don't wanna hang out with the 12 yr olds I completely understand but to eliminate the 12 yr old who has busted hers as hard as the 17 yr old isn't fair. The difference in your "Olympic" analogy is that there is NO MAX. So on soccer teams you have 16 yr olds with 40 yr olds and gymnastics you have 15 yr olds with 25+ yr olds. Sorry your arguments carry no weight, if its only "I don't wanna hang out with a 12 yr old" then don't, feel free to hang out with kids your own age, no one is forcing you to. Also if you feel your team is too young then at age 17 you can cheer on on Int 5 OR 6 team. I'm in no way trying to attack you, you just happened to speak up on this topic, I just don't see what the problem is. The only thing I care about for the sake of this argument is what it affects on the floor, I am yet to hear on negative that having a 12 yr old on the floor and until I do, I'll continue to feel the way that I do. Let me ADD, ONLY Worlds Level 5 teams have minimums, Levels 1-4 tiny, mini, youth, junior and SENIOR divisions have NO minimum age. So be thankful your on a level 5.