I just want to say this. I am OVER people complaining about "tiny" fliers. You freaking people drive me NUTZ!! If your a coach and you have an 18 yr old who is 4'4 with a double full, redic flexibility, has ALL lvl 5 skills your HONESTLY telling me you wouldn't put her in the air!? LIAR (or fool) whichever you choose to be. Now lets not even go into the fact that you might have FIVE of these kids. You seriously wouldn't put them in the air!? I have, will, would everyday that ends in "Y". And continue doing so until there is a reason why. Discriminating bc a child is too big, too small, etc etc etc. It might not be what you prefer, but who cares. The BEST belong to be on the team, I don't care what they look like. I've never heard any of you say "She shouldn't be a backspot bc she's too tall".