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Random, but have you guys heard of the Man in Gray/Gray Man? Apparently people that stay at a certain hotel in Hawai'i have reported seeing him. He would knock on people's hotel doors and urgently warn them that they should leave because a storm was coming. People would pack their stuff and go, and EVERYTIME a bad storm would hit. He has probably saved people's lives by doing this. The problem is, when people mention him to the hotel staff, they are informed that no one like him works there.

Maybe I've gotten some of the details wrong (I heard about this years ago) but it has always stuck in my mind.

I've never heard of that but I love it. What a nice ghost!
This isn't quite paranormal but I'll share. My dad has always been into ghost hunting shows, documentaries on the zodiac killer (a couple was killed in my town) etc. I've always felt comfortable with it until I started to have reoccurring nightmares. Anyways, after I've been able to hear sirens when things go wrong. I always assumed I imagined them since it happened after my car accidents. I would hear the sirens from police amulamce etc. I also thought maybe the other people with me were deaf and could hear them. Until one time I heard sirens then heard about a drunk driving accident. I woke up to sirens one day and when I drove to school with my brother there was a car on the side of the freeway completely totaled. I still kept thinking it was a coincidence and that accidents happened a lot, but then it happened again with people I knew. On my way home from prom I heard the sirens as I turned on my street and got a horrible sick feeling. The next morning I woke up to a million texts asking if I was okay. That time last night a car hit a bus full of kids coming home from prom.
This isn't quite paranormal but I'll share. My dad has always been into ghost hunting shows, documentaries on the zodiac killer (a couple was killed in my town) etc. I've always felt comfortable with it until I started to have reoccurring nightmares. Anyways, after I've been able to hear sirens when things go wrong. I always assumed I imagined them since it happened after my car accidents. I would hear the sirens from police amulamce etc. I also thought maybe the other people with me were deaf and could hear them. Until one time I heard sirens then heard about a drunk driving accident. I woke up to sirens one day and when I drove to school with my brother there was a car on the side of the freeway completely totaled. I still kept thinking it was a coincidence and that accidents happened a lot, but then it happened again with people I knew. On my way home from prom I heard the sirens as I turned on my street and got a horrible sick feeling. The next morning I woke up to a million texts asking if I was okay. That time last night a car hit a bus full of kids coming home from prom.
Wow. You sound psychic. Would you mind telling us what your nightmares were about? It's okay if you want to keep the info private.
I dont like to admit, but I seem to have a special gift too. I often feel when someone is going to die. When I was 11 years old and my grandma died unexpected, and my dad told me the next day, I felt like I already knew because I had "seen" it the night before, which was also around the time she had passed.

A girl I had known from primary school, sat with me in the buss at the last year of high school, one day I felt like it would be the last time I'd see her and indeed the day after she wasn't there. Later that day I heard she had died in a car-accident. But I felt like she wasn't the last one and within 3 months 2 other people whom Ive been with in the same class died in car-accidents.

Once I told my mom she had to call to meet up with a friend of the family. She said that she was quiet busy now and they'd see eachother on some event the next month anyway. I told her not to wait and go see her before the end of the week or it would be too late. Unfortonally I was right and this lady died at the end of that week. My mom didnt manage to go see her and was totally creeped out.

At my internship in the hospital I also sense several people dying and i'm right about it, but usually these people are very sick so it's no surprise. But there was one little girl who was doing well and when I entered the room I felt things would turn around quickly. Right before I had started my internship 2 others kids on that ward had died. and during our break they were talking about when a patient dies, usually 2 others die too and they were wondering who the 3rd one would be since there were several in bad condition. I said I thought it would be this girl and they kinda lauged because that girl was doing so well and could go home soon. But I was right in a few days she got really bad, and no treatment seemed to help. I only had to do 2 weeks on that ward and she was still alive on my last day, but several of her organs were failing and doctors had asked us to prepare the parents.

Last weekend I mailed a friend of mine and had the weird urge to ask how her father was doing. Again I sensed something was wrong. She didn't reply while usually she mails me back directly. and the next day I see pictures on her facebookwall of her father and notes how he will be missed. Turned out her father died that day before when I sent her the mail.

Also when big disasters happen like earthquakes or plane crashes I feel very restless the day before.
My old school was definitely haunted. It was a private school but before it was a school it had been a war hospital and an orphanage as well.

My teacher went to grade papers one day and he was in one of the classrooms just off the main hallway/entrance to the school and he had both his dogs with him too since they loved to go out. Anyway he was grading papers when his dogs started to growl while looking at the door to the little hallway that opened up into the main entrance and then he heard the door slam. He went to go check it out and the door was locked. He figured maybe it was a different door (that's what he told himself but they were heavy oak doors and definitely them that made the noise) and he went back to grading. Then he heard running up and down the stairs and kids laughing. When he went to the door that goes up stairs he heard it again. By this point the hair on her dogs were standing on end and they were very agitated lol so he up and left and never went back at night to grade papers haha

I've also had supernatural things happen. I live in the house that my grandma actually lived in when she was a kid. We went two years ago looking for a duplex apartment and my uncles uncle had one apartment available. When we came to look at it my grandma came with since she knew it was the same street around the same number but she couldn't remember for sure and sure enough it was the same house! Both my great grandparents passed away when I was younger and I never met my great grandmother but she apparently was funny and very frugal/careful. Anyway when I start getting ready I always go and turn on my hair straighter in the makeup/hair room we have before I shower. Well I got out of the shower once was going to brush my teeth but then went to grab something first and my hair straightener was off, figured I maybe forgot so I turned it back on again. Came back to go straighten my hair after brushing my teeth and it was off again. Called my mom and asked her if her Gma was anal about turning stuff off and she said she was lol needless to say I sometimes ask her politely to please leave it on haha.

My grandmother also says that when she comes her someone tugs on her shirt or pants sometimes and no one is around to have done it and it's something her mom used to do often.
I dont like to admit, but I seem to have a special gift too. I often feel when someone is going to die. When I was 11 years old and my grandma died unexpected, and my dad told me the next day, I felt like I already knew because I had "seen" it the night before, which was also around the time she had passed.

A girl I had known from primary school, sat with me in the buss at the last year of high school, one day I felt like it would be the last time I'd see her and indeed the day after she wasn't there. Later that day I heard she had died in a car-accident. But I felt like she wasn't the last one and within 3 months 2 other people whom Ive been with in the same class died in car-accidents.

Once I told my mom she had to call to meet up with a friend of the family. She said that she was quiet busy now and they'd see eachother on some event the next month anyway. I told her not to wait and go see her before the end of the week or it would be too late. Unfortonally I was right and this lady died at the end of that week. My mom didnt manage to go see her and was totally creeped out.

At my internship in the hospital I also sense several people dying and i'm right about it, but usually these people are very sick so it's no surprise. But there was one little girl who was doing well and when I entered the room I felt things would turn around quickly. Right before I had started my internship 2 others kids on that ward had died. and during our break they were talking about when a patient dies, usually 2 others die too and they were wondering who the 3rd one would be since there were several in bad condition. I said I thought it would be this girl and they kinda lauged because that girl was doing so well and could go home soon. But I was right in a few days she got really bad, and no treatment seemed to help. I only had to do 2 weeks on that ward and she was still alive on my last day, but several of her organs were failing and doctors had asked us to prepare the parents.

Last weekend I mailed a friend of mine and had the weird urge to ask how her father was doing. Again I sensed something was wrong. She didn't reply while usually she mails me back directly. and the next day I see pictures on her facebookwall of her father and notes how he will be missed. Turned out her father died that day before when I sent her the mail.

Also when big disasters happen like earthquakes or plane crashes I feel very restless the day before.

I get that anxious and restless feeling before someone dies or something happens, too. It happened a lot at college - when my roommates favorite band teacher died, when my friend's mom killed herself, when the teenage brother of my roommate's close friend died, when my great grandma died, etc. Its not a fun feeling at all.

It also happened the night before my dorm building caught on fire. All my room mates and I were in our own rooms with our doors closed that night which was very weird since it was the night before our first day of school for spring semester and we usually all hungout together in the common area. The only time we ever locked ourselves in our rooms like that was when we had homework. But since it was the night before the first day, there was no reason for us to do that. On top of the restless feeling, the sentence "I can't believe this is the last night we'll get to spend together like this and we're wasting it" kept running through my head all night. I tried to ignore it because it didn't make any sense. We had all semester to hangout. I didn't think about it too much until the next day when the building was on fire and we were being told we were being separated and being housed in different dorm buildings since our entire floor was damaged beyond any hope of moving back in anytime soon.
This has to be one of my favorite episodes of A Haunting (the ending is just wonderful, not too scary):
Random, but have you guys heard of the Man in Gray/Gray Man? Apparently people that stay at a certain hotel in Hawai'i have reported seeing him. He would knock on people's hotel doors and urgently warn them that they should leave because a storm was coming. People would pack their stuff and go, and EVERYTIME a bad storm would hit. He has probably saved people's lives by doing this. The problem is, when people mention him to the hotel staff, they are informed that no one like him works there.

Maybe I've gotten some of the details wrong (I heard about this years ago) but it has always stuck in my mind.
There's a Gray Man in Pawley's Island, SC too, where I used to live. About 20 miles south of Myrtle Beach. He would appear on the beach when a storm was approaching.
Haunted Lowcountry: The Gray Man - Pawleys Island, South Carolina
Have you ever seen him?
I haven't but I was rarely out on the beach before a storm. There are usually a good number of sightings before hurricanes (like Hugo in 1989 which destroyed nearly the whole island)

There's one more ghost in Pawleys named Alice. She is buried at my aunt's church. She fell in love and got engaged to a man her parent's rejected and demanded she stop seeing. They sent her away to school, but she always wore the ring on a necklace hidden under her dress. She fell ill and died of malaria, and her parents discovered the ring and threw it in the marsh. She's buried under a solid concrete slab that just reads "Alice", and legend has it that if you walk around her grave 13 times backwards you can feel a tugging on your ring.

Haunted Lowcountry: The Hermitage - Alice Flagg - A Story of Unrequited Love - Murrells Inlet, South CarolinaThe Gray Man - Pawleys Island, South Carolina
I haven't but I was rarely out on the beach before a storm. There are usually a good number of sightings before hurricanes (like Hugo in 1989 which destroyed nearly the whole island)

There's one more ghost in Pawleys named Alice. She is buried at my aunt's church. She fell in love and got engaged to a man her parent's rejected and demanded she stop seeing. They sent her away to school, but she always wore the ring on a necklace hidden under her dress. She fell ill and died of malaria, and her parents discovered the ring and threw it in the marsh. She's buried under a solid concrete slab that just reads "Alice", and legend has it that if you walk around her grave 13 times backwards you can feel a tugging on your ring.

Haunted Lowcountry: The Hermitage - Alice Flagg - A Story of Unrequited Love - Murrells Inlet, South CarolinaThe Gray Man - Pawleys Island, South Carolina
That's super creepy. Don't tell me you've done that either...
That's super creepy. Don't tell me you've done that either...
Nope. Been to the grave many times (my aunt actually got married in the little chapel beside it, which is the original church building. The bigger main worship center has expanded across the street) but never done the walking. The grass is entirely worn away to dirt around her grave though from people walking around it. You can kind of tell in this picture

Nope. Been to the grave many times (my aunt actually got married in the little chapel beside it, which is the original church building. The bigger main worship center has expanded across the street) but never done the walking. The grass is entirely worn away to dirt around her grave though from people walking around it. You can kind of tell in this picture

Is that litter on her grave?

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