Just thought I would add something here about de-friending on FB. I am a gym owner, and generally if someone is not a "real life" friend, family member or member of my gym (with very very few exceptions) I do not leave them as friends on Facebook if they leave my gym. A couple kids have been insulted but I jsut explain that I have children, and a family and I don't feel the need for people not involved in my life to know my business. I never take anoyone off the fan page, just as a personal "friend" I don't think de-friending HAS to be a big deal, but I can understand why it would upset people.
There are 3 gyms in my city, all within 5 mins or less from each other, all the same size... flip flopping between them really is NOT a HUGE issue every year, but there are always a few. I have had people lie to me when leaving the gym (and leaving a debt!!) and do not "hang out" or really even speak to those parents at comps, but I am always friendly to the kids. I have had people who felt it was time to go to a different gym, and still we are friends to this day and I love their kid. It can go either way, but as an owner, it HURTS when kids leave your gym, no matter what. Your gym is part of YOU and when people leave, for whatever reason (other then moving) you genuinely feel like it is personal (even if it isn't) That's just human nature!
We always try to make sure people know that the door is always open to return (in most situations) and remind ourselves that just because they left, doesn't mean they are necesarily gone forever (because the grass isn't always greener on the other side!) and do we want the to come back to a familliar place, or feel like we slammed the door in their faces? We do tend to get kids back, and I think the way we handle departures is the reason why.
I do hate this time of year though (lol) as fun as it should be! lolol