There are some folks who have to feed the need for drama. I so hate this time of the year when one season ends and another begins. I know the following cheer drama is coming:
a. Who's leaving and who's staying?
b. so n so went to (rival gym)
c. If my cp is put on a level_ again, where leaving.
d. If my cp is not a flyer, (granted child lacks any flying skills and parent is not willing to take stunt lessons, parent feels her child should fly because she is 4"7 and weights 65lbs)
My cp has cheered for 6 years in all-star and I have seen folks come and go and I still dont understand why folks get so nasty about a family leaving one gym for the next. I do understand how owner & coaches can be upset when a family leaves and goes to rival gym in the same town. But when a family makes a decision to leave one program for another and its a valid reason.
(Not because they feel their cp should be on a level 5 team or point at jumps & dance or have the last tumbling pass and the new gym promised her all this if they leave gym A) It should be respected.
I have always respected their decision, although I miss them. As said if you were friends while at the same gym, your friendship should not stop because your not part of the same program anymore. I just hate when families leave a program and go to a rival program and when you see them at a comp in the future they are now trashing your gym. I have always said, if you decide to leave and explore other programs its your perogative, just dont feel like you have to continue to validate your decision every time we see each other.