Cheer Parent
- Jun 6, 2012
- 2,817
- 6,228
Parents are alway responsible for their kids actions and there is never an appropriate time to fight or spew negativity about another person on social media. If my kids are screaming back and forth with a friend, yes, I allow them to work it out. If they take it to social media, they are made to delete it and personally apologize to the people involved. It happened once with the oldest, it never happened again and youngest hasn't tested us. Many parents are quick to say these kids need to "toughen up and ignore it" or "it's their fault for putting themselves out there", right up until it happens to their kid and they realize how easy it is for other kids to jump on the "hate on Suzie wagon" and how demoralizing it really is. I am the first to tell my kids "no one can make you feel badly about yourself without your permission" but, we have to teach our kids how to be decent human beings with some self control. Angry? Go run or eat chocolate.