All-Star Something Great About Other Gyms/teams

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Sprit of Texas' cheerleaders' hair is always on point. Doesn't matter the age or level, there is never a hair out of place. It amazes me. On top of that their talent and clean routines are great.
Every athlete or parent from an opposing gym that I've met up with has been amazing! You know who you are! ;)
I've met athletes & parents from Charlotte Allstars, Desert Storm Elite, Stingrays, ACE, Cheer Athletics, Fame, World Cup, Orlando Allstars, Cheer Force...and every single individual from out of the USA that I met at Worlds was absolutely amazing. They were all so gracious and just excited to be in the country...Jamaica, Mexicop & Chile were the ones I got a chance to talk to and they were so sweet!
I do also have to say the girls I met at worlds 2012 from Cheer Force were possibly the sweetest ever. I met them accidentally on my way out of the complex and they wanted a bow on my bag (that my mom had made) so badly that one of them literally took their comp bow out of her hair to trade bows and said "Hold onto it closely, it's got a lot of good luck!" and they gave me two shirts and took pics.
I love meeting new people!! <3

ETA: I can't believe I left out NJSE. I have such a unique love for them because of their owner Theapia! She was my gym's choreographer and even when we competed against her teams she was always on the front of the floor to cheer my teams on. I love her so much! I've met so many gracious and overall well rounded kids from their program, and you'd think that since they were a big competitor for us almost always, it wouldn't be like that, but we are all friends. I'm Theap's 'bow girl', lol. :D

I also forgot to mention a big moment from ASC Return to Atlantis 2014. My team was coached by a former Senior Elite/Coed Elite athlete (circa 2005ish), as was NJSE Hot Topic, and Spirit Xtreme Senior 3. We all got to become friends and got a huge picture together which was awesome because our coaches all used to cheer together and went their separate ways-all different states-and still came together as former teammates. <3

I remember that
At summit last year the buses to ESPN took over 2 hours to arrive (it was crazy), and this girl from Rockstar needed to be there like in 30 minutes and who knows how long it was going to take. A girl from another gym and her parents, I think she was from World Cup, called a taxi, and then they invited the girl from Rockstar to come with. It was so sweet and she was so happy to not have to wait for the bus any longer!! I was seriously so in love with world cup as a gym after that!!

Another summit bus story. I was sitting on the bus next to some parents from Stingray Pink, who were the previous Lrg Sr 2 winners (my division), and they asked me what team i was on and what division, and they were like "oh thats our daughter's division too!". anyway they said that they loved South and would watch us compete and i didn't ever see them again but they were the sweetest people!! There were a group of stingray kids heading to Downtown disney who were singing and having so much fun on those steamy buses it was a blast!! Love Stingrays!!

A local favorite is Roach Elite (now called React). We always seemed to have awards right next to their Sr 2 and they were small and we were large, but when we were all sitting in our huddle hoping for 1st, they were right there next to us hoping with us!!
In the UK I have always admired Unity Allstars and a few of their athletes have choreo'd my uni team brilliantly. They are so talented and friendly and a few of them have often come up to us and told us how we improved one season.

Ascension Eagles were super friendly to us my first (and worst) comp, and Patrick who used to be an AE coach but now runs Marshals was very encouraging to us before my last Future Cheer uni comp.

All the Welsh teams like RSD and Central will always get my support because of the help they've given when we needed training space and also cause they are some of the sassiest cheerleaders around.

when we visited the UK two summers ago - we visited Ascension Eagles. They were so nice and made my daughter feel like a queen.
Everyone at PCM is always super nice and supportive! And I love their uniforms.

I got to meet my very first OC parent/cp and they were pretty bomb-diggity. :D
we met a flyer from the PCM team we competed against at Summit last year - at the Purdue Cheer clinic this fall. Both her and her mom were so nice and I hope she is going to get her dream to cheer in college.
This is my favorite gym. they are swedish and quite new so you have not heard of them (i think) but in my opinion theyre really good.

Cheer Infinity Athletics: A gym that is on there second season and already have 7 teams which is alot being that they are a swedish gym. they took several gold medals and won nationals with there senior level 5 team Envy. I have a friend that is on the senior prep team Hope and the athmosphere in the gym is always on top!
I adore the relationships that the kids on teams in the Y5 division seem to have (ex: Twinkles, YE, ECE, etc.) It's a small division and I think it's great that the kids all enjoy seeing each other at comps.

It makes me happy to see kids SO young being groomed to be not only great athletes but classy and gracious whether they come in first or second.

Ex: The kids always seem to congratulate each other even if one team just beat the other at Summit/NCA/whatever.

I mean, some of them are in 3rd or 4th grade and have better sportsmanship in those situations than some Worlds team kids.
@tumbleyoda Thanks for your kind words about Platinum-just reconfirms I made the right choice for Princess Hotmess

Illinois Allstars is an awesome program with some of the nicest parents and athletes.
Layton Athletics-Two years ago I believe Princess Hotmess and I were in line for Starbuck's behind 2 Layton boys who had a ton of bows on their bags and talked the whole time to her about each and every bow, then whenever we would see them any where at the venue they would high five her. Totally mad her weekend :)
@Rudags and @LabbyGirlMOM - no problem at all. Wishing you the best this weekend.

Thank you, speaking of "Dream Big" trying to get a team a Paid Bid to Worlds after only 11 practices... LOL. Thats not including the injuries, quitters (one quit last week), etc. LOL! Thank you again for your kind words. <3
My daughter used to visit Cheer Force One in Mobile, Alabama from time to time and I have to say the family feeling in that gym was the best! Everyone seemed close and they were very welcoming to us, even though we were from a competitor gym.
This weekend reminded me that Elite Cheer from Nebraska always has clean, difficult, and entertaining routines. I love watching them! Lance used to do our choreography at my old gym so I always try to watch their routines and they're always great. Their fans are super loud and it's fun to watch the coaches during the routine!
CAO Elite in Jonesboro Ga. They do work in the community year round as a gym and I think it's amazing. Competitively, they're a force to reckon with but I appreciate the focus on the community service even more.

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