I thought so, but I didnt want to assume and be yelled at by other fierce board members i was wrong about all 3 of our teams being in a 3 way tie. isnt that amazing? how often to two teams tie for 1st place on any day but THREE teams at such a big hard national?
with amazingly high scores??
Aww and Thank you for your team supporting us <3 , that means alot being we are always competing against one another :)
our flyer could of gotten really hurt falling from that pyramid it was such a fluke too because we never mess up on that part,
its understandable we all kinda wish the teams we are against doesnt do as well as the team we are on, BUT making a comment like " Oh darn Major fall, oops" in a sarcastic way isnt cool when a 11 yr old is down on the ground.
I really want people to know what team did this but maybe 1 bad apple doesnt represent this team. We have never had the oppertunity to compete against them until now. I always thought so highly of them until this competition. Actualy wanted to be like them :/
I hope to see allstar 1 again soon.
because between you and us we can definiately give the northeast some good level 4 competition. You guys rocked it flawlessly sunday. <3
AS1 Jr 4's were on deck when the Rockets pyramid fell. We felt so bad for your team and cheered for you til the end ! Although we are in the same division and very comptitive with each other we never want to see another team fall.
Great job coming back on day 2 and showing everyone how great you are !
BTW- Stingrays, Rocket Elite and All Star One all tied for 1st on day 2 : )