throughout the last page of this thread, all I thought was "we don't want to encourage the girls to perform such hard skills, Burt. Surely you should know that" from Stick It...
anyways, I had always wondered before this thread how safe a spring floor is to actually be landing on, and what went into figuring that out, and I kinda learned, so that was useful. now to my experience with hard floor. I'd say hard floor causes a lot more injuries, if even minimal. I did the splits this weekend on concrete?... @
acx.cheer ...(a very thin carpet above it) and still have a headache because I smacked my face off of it.. I don't think if I did that on spring floor I'd still have a headache (actually.. I've done it before, and never really experienced much pain). just sliding into the splits (don't ask how that involves my head hitting the ground..) caused me a lot of pain hitting hard floor, so a stunting or tumbling fall should be a lot worse.