Someone should make a "Keep calm and STFU" shirt.....
..This is going to be a ridiculously long side note:
There are these things called the Potterpuffs. A girl used to draw them- they're Harry Potter characters as powerpuff-style drawings (Google it). There's one between Harry and Ginny, and the caption underneath says 'Sometimes you just need telling to calm the F down, already.' Which, if you know HP, is so common for teen-angst Harry circa books 5-6. Every time someone on here gets up in arms (which I'm actually about to do, slightly haha) it's always the first thing that pops into my head. I wish I could post it, but I don't think I should be droppin' F-bombs on here ;)
That being said, I think the shirt is hilarious, and I actually want one. Because society has somehow decided that just because you have an opinion, it needs to be blasted in everybody's face. It doesn't. You have a right to your opinion, I also have a right to stare your stupid down with the icy glare of death when you offer it when it's not asked for. You actually DON'T have to post on posts (lol) about teams/people you don't like. Read them all you want (actually, why would you if you don't like them?), but there is nobody holding a gun to your head saying you HAVE to post, particularly if it's rude. And if you do, be ready to be accused of being a hater. If you expose your opinion to people when it's unwelcome, be prepared to get THEIR unwelcome opinion back. It's a two-way street, and I think the age of the internet has made us forget that. We have all this instant anonymity, it's given us tons of freedom. I don't know if HALF the stuff on here would be said to these peoples faces (and I'm talkin' bout EVERYTHING we post on here)..which used to be the general rule of life. Just like some have theirs, that is your cross to bear for dropping your fingers on keys, mes amis. I myself am attempting to make a pledge to post as much positivity as I can if I ever deign to look at a WCSS thread. For example- they have nice hair. And if I ever opened a gym, that whole gym has my color scheme already. Minus purple.