So you are saying coaches and gyms have zero responsibility to their athletes' well being and it falls entirely on a governing body to do that dirty work? And that dirty work is randomly drug testing kids? Seems like on paper it would look great but in actuality wouldn't change much.Some official body has to be in charge if this is to happen, not just the local gym/coach.
It's so frustrating seeing programs (not just cheer) tell their clients they cannot use certain apps on their phone because it promotes bullying, then turn away when bullying is happening in their program.
Or implement a DARE program then have the coaches getting hammered in the bar at the competition.
Or blow off a kid talking about how high they are the day after a party and the coach explains it as they had been sucking helium out of balloons.
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This is about culture change from top to bottom. Parents and athletes can no longer blow off the fact that their coach loves to party after competition is over, coaches can't look past athletes coming into the gym not in prime condition, etc etc.