I never once said we should wait, but if we do, IMO it will be the party responsible for the largest financial hit in the circumstance to take control.
As far as your questions:
1) The parents of the injured wouldn't be thinking clearly enough, but the USASF, gym owners, coaches, other parents, and Disney would. It's amazing how quickly "CYA" comes into play when an accident happens. Also, if partying is as prevalent as you all say it is at World's, out of thousands of kids, one or two are bound to come forward, especially, if it is a good friend whose life or quality of life is on the line.
2) Disney does have good lawyers, that is why I'm surprised they haven't already a policy in place if this much partying is going on, on their grounds. If the USASF is signing a contract that is stating Disney holds no liability in these circumstances, then USASF may pay the price. That is why I directed my initial question as to "who would be responsible" to the lawyers on Fierce Board.
3) I'll revert back to my initial statement that I never once said we should wait, but if we do, it will be the party responsible for the largest financial hit (more specifically, their insurance company) that will want a testing program mandated.