All-Star Substance Free Programs

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yup. medical marijuana is legal in NJ and when i was working for a nonprofit for those with disabilities i spent a good deal of time helping families jump through the hoops to get their children with severe epilepsy approved for marijuana. just because we supported it and helped people get it doesn't mean i wasn't drug tested regularly. we worked with a vulnerable population and there was no tolerance for drug use. i realize medicinal drugs are different, but you would think because a company was so lax and proactive for marijuana that they'd feel the same in their everyday lives. nope.

I always find it interesting if something is legal and regulated and there are limits to its use (say alcohol) it is a lot harder to acquire then something that is illegal (marijuana) for minors. If people and the government can make money form it the controls are a lot tighter.
I always find it interesting if something is legal and regulated and there are limits to its use (say alcohol) it is a lot harder to acquire then something that is illegal (marijuana) for minors. If people and the government can make money form it the controls are a lot tighter.

That was the big thing with legalizing MJ here in WA. They are hoping that it will become way harder for kids to get a hold of and it's uses in minors will decrease. I don't necessarily buy in to that but I do see the logic.
That was the big thing with legalizing MJ here in WA. They are hoping that it will become way harder for kids to get a hold of and it's uses in minors will decrease. I don't necessarily buy in to that but I do see the logic.

It comes from how it is distributed. Alcohol (and now tobacco) are worth a LOT of money to the producers, sellers, and government. Because of that the stuff is pretty controlled and protected. The only place to purchase these substances is if you are of age at licensed outlets. They regulate pretty heavily if a bar serves underage or the same for a convenience store. MJ on the other hands is illegal from start to finish. There is no regulation on who, how, why, or where it goes. So if all of that is illegal to begin with then you also dont care who you sell it to. You will take any buyer.
I posted this on July 31.....

My daughter was asked by an outside tutor if "Dan the lunchroom man" was still at her school. I asked who Dan the lunchroom man is, and was told by the tutor, he was the school drug dealer. I find it hard to believe all these HS's have on site police officers, the teachers all know where these kids go to smoke, an outside tutor knows who the school dealer is, my kid can point out every high student in a classroom, but they can't seem to ever make any arrests. Love and respect our police officers, but things that make you say, "hhhmmmmm?"

And this was in the Atlanta paper on August 5th :(...

Atlanta news: Officers get prison for aiding drug dealers |

Our law enforcement deserves respect, but we truly need to start questioning those things that don't seem right to us.
That is assuming the level of risk of each substance is the same and the cost of trying to police each substance is the same.

Also what if certain substances effect people differently? I married a redhead and she can withstand drugs way more that most people because of that. Do we take into consideration an individuals tolerance or make a blanket statement?

Is this true about redheads?
I would love for USASF to be in the position to do drug testing. I would even be willing to pay a drug testing fee at each competition (this is done with another sport I am involved with). However, they don't even provide proper warm-up facilities at Worlds (unless you pay $400 extra per 45 minutes), so I can't see USASF implementing drug testing. For the forseeable future it needs to be a community effort - athletes, parents, coaches, and gym owners. I didn't realize this was such a widespread problem, so it will definitely be on my radar now.

Do people pay that and not complain? is it adequate time and some people just want extra mat time?
I wrote this for work: Should the United States Legalize Marijuana? - Conn Carroll (I'm the 'pro' half of the article.)

tl;dr version: smoking tobacco is legal, but a smart anti-tobacco campaign has significantly reduced the number of adults who smoke, and there's no reason why this couldn't be replicated with marijuana upon its legalization. (Current anti-drug programs i.e. D.A.R.E. are miserable failures.) The US has marijuana classified on the same level as heroin and a higher level than cocaine, and the War on Drugs wastes a ton of police time and money. Additionally, a plurality of high schoolers say weed is easier to get than alcohol, even though it's illegal.
I wrote this for work: Should the United States Legalize Marijuana? - Conn Carroll (I'm the 'pro' half of the article.)

tl;dr version: smoking tobacco is legal, but a smart anti-tobacco campaign has significantly reduced the number of adults who smoke, and there's no reason why this couldn't be replicated with marijuana upon its legalization. (Current anti-drug programs i.e. D.A.R.E. are miserable failures.) The US has marijuana classified on the same level as heroin and a higher level than cocaine, and the War on Drugs wastes a ton of police time and money. Additionally, a plurality of high schoolers say weed is easier to get than alcohol, even though it's illegal.

A republican and I agree. End times are coming.
Prohibition of alcohol/prohibition of marijuana. I don't drink, nor do I smoke weed (I, unlike the redheads, need very little to feel the results and ultimately feel like Hades). I am, also, a Republican for legalization. If someone is going to reap the benefits of weed, I would rather it be American farmers and the government to educate and regulate vs. going to those in organized crime.
I know that for NCA, it was made very clear at our staff meeting that if we were caught with drugs in our system, including marijuana, our employment would be terminated immediately. Even for people who are from Colorado where it is legal. I assume this goes for all Varsity brand companies.

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