THIS. I lost 40 pounds when I started taking my ADHD medication. I take vyvanse (its prescribed just to clarify), which is pretty much the same thing. People at school BEG for you to sell them some of your medication, one kid was so desperate he offered to give me $100 for one pill. Obviously I'm not stupid enough to sell it because basically if you mix any ADHD medication with anything it's just not good news, and kids are idiots and don't pay attention and I'm not going to be responsible-plus, if I sell a pill than thats one less that I have. Oh, and it's pretty illegal. It just amazes me what people do and talk about culture shock coming to college where drugs are common and so is drinking every night. My high school was pretty bad, too-actually, my entire town. It's super common for girls who are FRESHMAN IN HIGH SCHOOL to think they're pregnant and faking pregnancies to get a guy to stay with you is actually common- I'm embarrassed for them honestly. I've never been a partier and I can honestly say I will never be one. I'm always the designated driver/mom if I end up going somewhere with my friends. People do acid, smoke everything they can get their hands on, mix alcohol with deadly drugs, and drinking and driving is also more common than most people would like to know. It's kind of surprising to be honest. Not that you can bust every drug dealer or every parent that is buying their underage children alcohol, but I personally feel like this goes on way too often and people just turn the other cheek, it's sad that a tragedy has to happen for people to realize whats really going on with our generation.