I'm glad that the school will now be testing cheerleaders, we need to squash this wherever we can, as soon as we can.
I would also like to add (and I'm speaking about U of L but successful cheer programs in general, be they middle school, high school, college/university, all-star, elite or Premier) that you should NEVER COMPARE YOURSELF TO A SUCCESSFUL PROGRAM. Focus on your own improvement because at the end of the day, you don't know what other athletes are doing to be as good as they are. It could be good, bad, legal, illegal... you just don't know.
Point 3: this is one of the reasons I believe colleges should be less stringent with weight limits and minimums for cheerleaders. Lifting requirements are definitely necessary, but cheerleaders (male and female) often get too caught up in their weight and use unhealthy methods to control it.