All-Star Team Mom/dad

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What is included in your goody bags? IS it like the standard snack bags that your athletes bring to competitions in their bags or something else entirely?

Depends on the year. Some years filled with junk - other years bottled water and multiple snacks - other some serious fancy stuff. Then some sort of extras.
Goody bags are not my favorite multiple reasons. 1) the forced paying for stuff my child does not need and in most cases does not want 2) we pack sparingly and adding in more stuff (even a few extra things) times multiple kids adds up when you have to carry it -- especially when we are handed a goody bag at a comp generally when we get it the practice before we can pull out what we want throw out junk and perhaps use the water in the car or hotel and not have to worry about one more thing to fit in a filled cheer bag 3) to me "goody bags" are for birthday parties to thank your guest for coming (followed by a written thank you note to your guest still) end of story... if I choose to buy something at the comp then fine but goody bags - sorry the fact that they get to do this sport and I spend all this money on it and stay in hotel and drive to x,y,z that is the "goody" - to me goody bags is one more example of what leads to entitled kids.
One team even had us give more money not so they could collect for a coach holiday gift but so each girl could get a special present at the holiday party - they had been told they could not collect for more goody bag money and found a work around.
All that said the only goody bag I have ever really liked (and mind you my kids have been on teams that have had some crazy level of goody bag gifts that were super nice but again falls under my reason 3 of hating goody bags) my favorite was the time each girl was supposed to come up with something for their team mates for spirit and write notes to their team mates... required more work from my kids and me but it created bonding and they thought of their teammates not themselves and that was more valuable than any bling.
Cheer is already so expensive for me and for my kids even though they have had some nice stuff it is all too much material things... last thing we need is more STUFF.
I'm glad my gym has a limit on how much money our team mom is allowed to ask of each athlete throughout the year. I believe they have a total of 30$ per athlete for the entire season. Weather this money goes toward Christmas party, team bonding, athlete gifts, whatever. Usually at the end of the season the team mom will ask for donations to put towards a coaches gift on top of the alloted 30$
I always wondered how the Team Moms were selected, sorry for being sexist, but I do not know any Team Dads...Tbh, I always thought the Team Mom got the position because of seniority...Nevertheless, I appreciate everyone of the Team Moms my daughter had and these women were so good at their job and fair to all the athletes and parents...Touche!

@SharkDad was an awesome team dad!!
I always wonder too, does being a Team Mom/Dad comes with any special perks? 1. Does the Team Mom/Dad get any discounts off of tuition, tumbling classes and/or privates?
Additionally, I do not personally know any Team Dads, but knowing how women are-2. Is the job made easier for Team Dads? I ask this question because I noticed how helpful women can be at competitions when they see a dad struggling and jump in and help or take over, but not as helpful towards a mom struggling, I heard some making statements like she needs to learn, so won't help...
Wow, I'm surprised to hear a few of you had bad experiences with Teams moms in your gyms.
At Cp's gyms team moms aren't allowed to ask for money unless it's for a coaches present, if they need to collect any other money it needs to be collected by the front office, also at our gym seniority doesn't play a roll on getting to be chosen for team parent ( I was team mom our first year at her current gym).
Team moms get NO special perks at all, I've actually never heard of any gym around our area giving perks to team moms and if they are, where are my perks!?[emoji23][emoji23]
@Pebbles49 I've been team mom 3 times now and I couldn't imagine not helping a mom out that was struggling and making nasty comments about not helping! That is awfully mean and they should never be team moms.

Forgot to add that I also hate goodie bags, so guess what No goodie bags this year for our team and all the parents were so happy when I asked them their opinion about it at our Meet & Greet. Woo Hoo No goodie Bags [emoji7][emoji23]

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No, @crazzyeyesassypants, I was not talking about Team Moms not helping a struggling mom, but other women and moms not helping out and possible double standard that may exist...
No, @crazzyeyesassypants, I was not talking about Team Moms not helping a struggling mom, but other women and moms not helping out and possible double standard that may exist...
Oh ok, Thank Goodness because I would hate to think team moms would be acting like that, it still sucks that anyone would behave that way, I personally love teaching a newbie the ropes[emoji23][emoji23] not sure why, it just fun for me.

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I mentioned the possible double standards that might occur between Team Moms and Team Dads... I always noticed how differently the women in our sport treats the Dad, shucks, any man! I think we tend to be more helpful to a man and possibly, won't create a problem... "Who I'm kidding? Bend over backwards to accommodate them, but will give a Team Mom usual heck!
I've seen some gyms where the team mom does soooooooooooo much. All the communications, goody bags for every single comp, MAKING bows for certain comps, driving extra kids that don't have rides... the list goes on. I would NEVER be a team mom because I've seen them get so taken advantage of and walked all over. I just don't know why people actually want to do it, but I guess there are just moms who like to be super involved, to the extent of not minding being used and walked all over. It boggles the mind...

Yes. There was one mom I met who repeatedly was the one to bring Starbucks on comp mornings, for at least six people, and never asked for her money!
Yes. There was one mom I met who repeatedly was the one to bring Starbucks on comp mornings, for at least six people, and never asked for her money!
[emoji15] we have a mom like that our gym, she brings 3 coaches Starbucks every time her cp has practice, heck I wish her cp was in the same team as my cp, maybe she would bring me Starbucks also [emoji23]
She brings Venti size too! [emoji33]

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[emoji15] we have a mom like that our gym, she brings 3 coaches Starbucks every time her cp has practice, heck I wish her cp was in the same team as my cp, maybe she would bring me Starbucks also [emoji23]
She brings Venti size too! [emoji33]

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I feel grateful when a parent brings us a drink from QuikTrip or Sonic [emoji28]

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I always wonder too, does being a Team Mom/Dad comes with any special perks? 1. Does the Team Mom/Dad get any discounts off of tuition, tumbling classes and/or privates?
Additionally, I do not personally know any Team Dads, but knowing how women are-2. Is the job made easier for Team Dads? I ask this question because I noticed how helpful women can be at competitions when they see a dad struggling and jump in and help or take over, but not as helpful towards a mom struggling, I heard some making statements like she needs to learn, so won't help...

That is a sad situation, but not really surprising. I do think women are more likely to hurt other women as a means of feeling better about themselves; the same thing doesn't translate with a man when they're not expected to know what they're doing anyway.

At our first gym, team moms were a volunteer thing and whoever said they'd do it did; but it was never an organized thing. Our program was small and most of our athletes/parents knew everyone else or, at the very least, would recognize them. We had one dad who volunteered to video all of the comps and bring CDs after the fact; he just asked if you could donate the CD sleeves to do so because he got the CDs for free so it didn't cost him. We didn't do goody bags, but I don't think they would have annoyed me if we did. Our team was small so we could have heavily controlled what went in them. But our team had very strong personalities mom wise; the last season was the most turbulent.

The gym she did half season with but left did away with team moms, but I noticed at least 2 of the teams had mom's collectively decide to do snack bags for each comp. They didn't collect money, instead each person brought in stuff and they sat at a table and put them together.

I guess that is part of why I asked the question. To figure out their roles and what is expected.
Thank you for sharing your perspective and experience! @Mom2Cheergirls

Your welcome. My perspective may be totally skewed as I have multiple cheerleaders. I think a lot of team moms have only 1 kid doing cheer and don't get that families that have 2,3, or 4 even if they get a sibling discount still have full comp fee, uniform fee, goody bag fee, team bonding activity fees times whatever many kids they have plus juggling each teams various additional "costs" that may not be allowed by the gym but magically appear. Although I have noticed even 1 parent families starting to roll their eyes at the cost some years.
We did goody bags for camp and they quickly grew to a very nice collection of gifts. I'm a little worried about what competition, nca and our travel competition goody bags are going to require. The camp goody bag was very thoughtful of the moms who contributed, and nothing was asked of everyone. Just parents donating things to add to them. I'm just a little worried that we have set the team's expectations a little high... lol.

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