This is everything that's wrong with cheer IMO, and one of the reasons I dislike the big machine that is Cali.
As bigger gyms consume more and more of the smaller gyms across the country, not only does that hurt competition, but then they are allowed to switch girls in and out across multiple locations? I feel bad that Bangerz did not get a paid bid to allow them to go, but then shipping off the talent to AZ seems cheap and unfair. Yes, it is within the rules, and I'm not accusing any gym of cheating. I get that it probably happens everywhere, but to add almost half a team (10 girls) from a state away simply because Sparkle got their bid at a comp that Bangerz happened to compete at? It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I know several families on Sparkle that I would consider good friends. They should be excited and proud to represent Cali at Worlds this year, but I think this move cheapens what they accomplished in the first year as Cali Arizona. That said, I'm sure they are thrilled with the added talent.
Wasn't there a push a while back to consider each location as a separate entity? I'm guessing nothing became of that?