All-Star Teams Only Going To Worlds On Paid Bids

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I'm not disagreeing with what you're saying...but I'm also allowing for the fact that life isn't perfect. Sometimes things/priorities changes. I know that I have personally wanted to tear my hair out when it came to collecting $ from some parents/kids for things. And I have found myself (on many occassions) covering the costs of kids other than my own. Again, I have no clue what happened here...but am speculating. I do know that California All stars is a team that often makes it clear they will not take at large bid. I believe they fully intended for Bangerz to use this bid...but then something happened. Again with this disclaimer: This is all speculation based on my years around cheer. I have no idea and have not spoken with anyone involved.
Our adults on I5 are the same way. We have always gone on Al, this year so close to paid, we offer fundraising multiple times per thru out the season. Always when $ is due, usually Feb/March they r stressing out! We tell them in July, we should make it to Worlds start thinking about it now! But do they fundraise? Most do not.

Agreed. We've gone to worlds the past 5 years, we know when we start the season that that's the end goal. Yet somehow come time to turn in the worlds paperwork and money, it's a ton of excuses. These college kids are just not good at budgeting.
this might be incorrect but i was looking through the road to worlds website and noticed that swooshcats dont have a bid listed. did they not receive a bid to worlds this season??? it also shows CEA smoex not having a bid but i could have sworn they just won a bid recently didnt they?
this might be incorrect but i was looking through the road to worlds website and noticed that swooshcats dont have a bid listed. did they not receive a bid to worlds this season??? it also shows CEA smoex not having a bid but i could have sworn they just won a bid recently didnt they?
Swooshcats aren't a team this year. Smoex has a bid, they're medium coed.
this might be incorrect but i was looking through the road to worlds website and noticed that swooshcats dont have a bid listed. did they not receive a bid to worlds this season??? it also shows CEA smoex not having a bid but i could have sworn they just won a bid recently didnt they?
Swooshcats r no longer ? Our friend is on Fiercecats now instead of Swoosh.
Swooshcats aren't a team this year. Smoex has a bid, they're medium coed.
ohhh. yeah i figured the site must not be too up to date, after i posted that, cause i also noticed f5 was listed as medium still so that would explain a lot.
ohhh. yeah i figured the site must not be too up to date, after i posted that, cause i also noticed f5 was listed as medium still so that would explain a lot.
It's up to date for me?
Tbh, I think having At-Large bids (Worlds & Summit) and Wild Cards (Summit) are needed to bring more excitement, anticipation and interest to the competition. "Hey, who am I kidding", there have been great movies and stories written about this, Cinderella tales, I distinctly remembered 1 from the Bible, which depicts little David up against an huge Goliath, this tale supports the idea an underdog can enter as a long shot and bring down the top dogs... It is human nature that the belief that an underdog will pull it off, if only given a chance... Who are we to denied them this chance???

I think, the big name gyms struggles with the too high expectations that are placed on them and could be the reason why many will make the declarations of only sending athletes to Worlds/Summit with paid bids omly. I can imagine, It can be tough to always be considered the Goliath and must be overthrown by Little David...If the big name gym wins, it is expected; but if the Underdog wins, wow we get great movies and novels written about the great feat and all the sacrifices made for that once in a lifetime opportunity...I am wondering what will be the next great movie will be out about a Small Gym with 3 members, who won Summit entering as a Wild Card...What a great story this will make!

The only thing about the David-Goliath dream is that tumbling is a big percentage of the score sheet, and tumbling skills usually cannot change significantly in a month or two. If cheer was only stunting, a David could beat a few Goliath's if David hits and Goliath has a bad weekend - but as it is, w/ tumbling being so important, even two good days of extremely difficult and perfectly executed stunts, tumbling would probably still keep David out of the top 10.

Of course, if a gym has access to tumbling ringers for some reason (like level 5 athletes from another location that are stronger tumblers than the team members who got the AL bid) that would allow an AL team to actually show up at World's which much more talent and have a chance at beating a paid bid team.
ohhh. yeah i figured the site must not be too up to date, after i posted that, cause i also noticed f5 was listed as medium still so that would explain a lot.

F5 is listed with a Full Paid bid in Large Senior...

I recently checked all the bids against the USASF site and with the exception of maybe a few AL bids that were ugpraded to PP when the PP upgraded to FP, everything should be all set for the most part.

Maryland Twisters F5
The only thing about the David-Goliath dream is that tumbling is a big percentage of the score sheet, and tumbling skills usually cannot change significantly in a month or two. If cheer was only stunting, a David could beat a few Goliath's if David hits and Goliath has a bad weekend - but as it is, w/ tumbling being so important, even two good days of extremely difficult and perfectly executed stunts, tumbling would probably still keep David out of the top 10.

Of course, if a gym has access to tumbling ringers for some reason (like level 5 athletes from another location that are stronger tumblers than the team members who got the AL bid) that would allow an AL team to actually show up at World's which much more talent and have a chance at beating a paid bid team.
Hey, stop trying to kill my Disney story Vibes...jk

But I thought on a scoresheet, tumbling counted very little, what like 15-20% and 80% comprised of all the nonessentials, like stunting, pyramids, dancing, transitions and building skills and overall performance... After thinking about it, I realized, you are absolutely correct and I should move this to the recant thread... Sorry again for putting forth the crazy notion that David will ever have a chance to win against Goliath...Let's get rid of the At-Large bids, it is not practical..
Hey, stop trying to kill my Disney story Vibes...jk

But I thought on a scoresheet, tumbling counted very little, what like 15-20% and 80% comprised of all the nonessentials, like stunting, pyramids, dancing, transitions and building skills and overall performance... After thinking about it, I realized, you are absolutely correct and I should move this to the recant thread... Sorry again for putting forth the crazy notion that David will ever have a chance to win against Goliath...Let's get rid of the At-Large bids, it is not practical..

Tumbling is worth 15% on the international score sheets. But not on the club ones.
I thought it said 30 points out of 100 when we watched the NCA coverage yesterday.

Oh sorry, I thought we were talking about worlds scoring. That's what I get for not paying attention.
1 question, NCA and Worlds use the same scoresheet?

But if tumbling is still just 30%, so everything else is worth 70%...So a David can receive 15% in tumbling, 50% in all the other areas and defeat Goliath...The dream still LIVE, YASSS!

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