OT Teeth whitening

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Oct 26, 2010
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Why do you think is the best way to whiten teeth? I've tried the laser whitening but I don't think it did anything
Crest whitestrips work fine for my teeth! Just with any whitening technique be especially careful if you have sensitive teeth!
i've used crest whitestrips before and they seemed to work fine. the first couple times my teeth were a little sensitive but it wasn't painful. i think my teeth got a little whiter, but i didn't use them for as long as i should have because i didn't like the gooeyness.
Crest White Strips Pro Effects! They're $54.99 for a treatment, but it keeps your teeth white for an entire year. Advanced Vivid is like $10 cheaper, but it barely makes your teeth any whiter and lasts for like..a month. Don't even waste your money on just the Vivid strips, 'cause they don't do ANYTHING. I whitened my teeth with these when I got my braces off (Summer 2008 ) and I haven't done a cycle since then. I drink soda like no one's business (seriously...4+ diet cokes a day. It's bad) and my teeth are still really white after all this time. I still get compliments all the time!

Excuse this ugly picture, but this is what mine looked like 1.5 years after whitening with them (I'm on the left):

i use crest 3D white advanced vivid (something like that..) tooth paste and my teeth have gotten whiter and you dont even have to do anything different. its not like a HUGE difference but its definitely noticible..and its only like a dollar more than regular toothpaste.
F!ERCE and karlee... are they still the gross gooey strips like the cheap ones? Or do they work differently?
use the premium white strips and they worked well, just hurt kinda. the crest 3d tooth paste works well
I wasn't even looking for teeth whitening but I used aqua-fresh isofoaming action toothpaste and my teeth were noticeably whiter.
F!ERCE and karlee... are they still the gross gooey strips like the cheap ones? Or do they work differently?

I don't find 'em gooey...they re-designed the Pro Effects strips so they're more sticky to your teeth and a better fitting shape. They don't slide around so you don't get any of the extra goop stuff in random places lol
Ohh I may have to look into them then! Thanks :)
i've used the rembrant 2 hour kit in the past and it worked really well... that was like 2 years ago but i haven't been able to do it again because i'm broke haha. i think it was like $36 or something.
I don't find 'em gooey...they re-designed the Pro Effects strips so they're more sticky to your teeth and a better fitting shape. They don't slide around so you don't get any of the extra goop stuff in random places lol

Well, hey white teeth :) So glad I know you're secret! I may have to try Pro Effects strips out! How long is the kit for/how long do you have the strips in? Just wondering if the process is similar to the regular crest white strips.
Well, hey white teeth :) So glad I know you're secret! I may have to try Pro Effects strips out! How long is the kit for/how long do you have the strips in? Just wondering if the process is similar to the regular crest white strips.

30 mins I think twice a day...its been a while, so I don't remember! Lol

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thank god for this post. we have white uniforms this year so i def needed this. thanks yall
Did anyone have problems with the Crest strips sticking to teeth when you went to peel them off?
You need to wipe all the goo off when you take them off, it's kinda gross haha.