All-Star Teeth Whitening

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...I find it prudent to mention that my cousin fell asleep wearing those whitening strips and his teeth got MESSED. UP. PLEASE be careful- losing enamel is like damaging your hearing with loud noise, once you lose it you can't get it back! I also wouldn't recommend whitening with don't want gaping spots on your teeth where the braces were. Just gently brush maybe every once in a while with a whitening toothpaste and avoid dark foods (coffee, colas, etc).

@Kris10boo - My orthodontist was concerned with fluoride spots (which I already have)..I tried to get them buffered away but they're too deep :(
As a parent, I do not believe in tanning beds and would NEVER allow my daughter to go. That would be a major issue with me if our gym said she "had" to. :(
I have braces so I was wondering if anyone else with braces knows a way to whiten their teeth for comps? I was considering getting the professionally whitened but online everyone makes it seem like a bad idea.
hey Jack it's Sam's cousin Krystyna :) but yeah @WorkToWin is right, if you whiten with braces it'll leave marks on your teeth when ya get your braces off... just use whitening toothpaste or get white rubber bands (ones that don't stain) that will make your teeth look whiter
That sucks, yours probably hurt more then mine. It was just a gradual thing the longer I kept the piercing in but if I was hit and someone's nail did it would be painful!
I wonder if our gums will grow back. Lol

It was just a split second sting and then lots of blood lol
Um, some gyms ask athletes to whiten their teeth. And for some athletes to either go to tanning or get spray tanned.
I am in disbelief that a gym would actually require tanning or teeth whitening. This seems more like an "urban legend". Can you actually name a gym that requires this, and if so, is it written in their materials or just "encouraged"?
I do not know of a gym in which this in their printed materials. This is dangerous territory, I think I shall shut my yap now :)
I do not know of a gym in which this in their printed materials. This is dangerous territory, I think I shall shut my yap now :)
But you did say that some gyms ask athletes to whiten their teeth and to either spray tan or go tanning. Unless you can name these gyms, I don't believe any gym would ask their athletes to do this, especially since you are not judged on your teeth or skin tone, uniform, or any aspect of your physical appearance.
being asked to spray tan isnt that bad its not harmfull If our gym had midriff uniforms I would highly think about it.
buy the crest 3D white line. Start with the rinse & toothpaste, if you're not satisfied buy some strips but i am NOT lying, i get complimented on how good my teeth look when i use the 3D white toothpaste.
Lets not pretend that we all didn't know that CHEER ATHLETICS had a tanning bed in their old gym - as many current gyms STILL do. Not to mention -- the Jersey spray tan (orange) is also a popular look.
As a coach in Florida, I never made or required my kids get tans - It was more of an image thing they did on their own. I have coached many athletes that look like they never EVER been exposed to the sun!
I know we all bring our kids in after practice and talk to them and "mention" things they should be aware of. Wether your directly telling your kids to do things or not...when your athletes put on a 2 piece (skimpy) uniform - IMAGE is everything!

To that end...I think it's better that we teach kids at an early age to be image conscious because more and more that's something that's not always being taught at home.
In response to MNCheerMom, I can name names, I am choosing to not...just as you may choose to believe the statement or not. Teeth whitening questions may be relevant for athletes in certain programs, as are questions regarding other appearance related matters.
Again, you are not judged on your skin tone or your hair or your uniform. You are not going to get more points for having more bling or whiter teeth. Athletes are judged on performance and skill - this is not a Miss America pagent. While a nice looking uni and a spray tan may look pretty, if your routine is a mess and the skills are all over the place - well golly at least they sure do look pretty??? Let's give them a first place trophy because wow they have bright white smiles?

@worldsring09 - why are we not naming names? It's because you're afraid to call out people on a taboo subject and upset the apple cart. Causing girls to become anorexic, fake, plastic for the sake of a cheer performance completely undermines the advancement of the sport as being taken seriously. @nateairnj - you say that image is everything when you're putting on a skimpy, two-piece uniform. I agree with that if you're trying out for the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, but this is all-star cheerleading. If there are programs out there that require (and I use that term loosely because nobody wants to admit that they are required anywhere, but rather strongly encouraged/implied behind closed doors) the use of fake tans and glowing white teeth, then those programs are giving all-star cheer a bad name. It's one thing to paint glitter on your body for a competition - we all do that. It's another to require changing your physical appearance such as tanning or teeth whitening.:mad:
Why are you trying to start a fight? Actually, I am not naming names because I do not desire to single anyone out or smear any particular program regarding their past or present stance on performance appearance.

Again, my original comment regarding whitening and tanning was in reference to relevancy of the question.

Additionally, all star cheerleading also involves males, not just females, as you may note by the variety of responses posted in the thread.

You have contradicted yourself by claiming "urban legend", and then going into an attacking arguement how all of this stuff hurts all star cheerleading and athletes. If this type of stuff doesn't exist and my statement is not true as you stated is your belief, then there is nothing for you to get your bloomers up in a bunch about, js.

On point to the thread, I personally (as in for myself), like the Crest Whitening Dental Rinse. For those of you who would like, you may feel free to judge me for liking my teeth to look whiter :D
Not trying to pick a fight with you, and I apologize if you feel attacked. Not my intent; sorry. The statement you made: Um, some gyms ask athletes to whiten their teeth. And for some athletes to either go to tanning or get spray tanned. Yes, I contradicted myself as the responses evolved because my stance changed from utter disbelief that a gym would require it (urband legend), to more of a "prove it." Your response was to indicate that you did not wish to name names for the sake of a desire to not smear a program, but that it exists. I think all gyms have dirty laundry - my own gym included and it is not my intent to smear a program, but rather challenge an issue that I feel is wrong and gives the sport a bad name. Does that make my bloomers bunch? Yep, you betcha. ;)

So back to the topic at hand, I use Crest Whitening Strips - but that's because I want to, not because someone is requiring it of me.
i've used this stuff from Sephora called smile...kinda of expensive, but imo it really works!

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