I'm always shocked to hear things like this! It happened to me in hs. I tried out my junior year and didn't make it. There was supposed to be a bhs requirement, I threw a standing tuck, and didn't make it when girls who didn't have any tumbling did. It was a private school with lots of politics so I transferred and cheered elsewhere. Looking back it was the best thing that could have happened to me. Had I not transferred I don't know how the last 8 years of my life would have been different. Tell her something bigger and better is waiting for her and this wasn't meant to be. I also fully believe that anyone who doesn't take the best for whatever reason gets what they deserve. The team I got cut from had a terrible year and two weeks after tryouts the coach came and asked if I would join after one girl quit and 2 got injured. The coach was also "released" from her position later that season. Any coach who doesn't take a cali kid has got to be crazy!