All-Star #that Awkward Moment When Cheer Takes Over

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When I'm in my supervisor's office and she congratulates me for doing a phenomenal job working an extra-hard caseload that none of the Directors really thought I could do anything with.

How badly did I want to look her in the face and say "Do not underestimate me again..."

I've got to stop listening to cheer mixes in the morning :)
not going to the hospital because you think they all just hate cheerleaders and think they want you to quit!
it's not that they hate cheerleaders, they just think all the involuntary motions they do without realizing it (aka-marking some other team's routine while they're taking your blood pressure) makes you more of a psych patient then an injury....JUST KIDDING :p
it's not that they hate cheerleaders, they just think all the involuntary motions they do without realizing it (aka-marking some other team's routine while they're taking your blood pressure) makes you more of a psych patient then an injury....JUST KIDDING :p
I had a college interview at one of my top choices this year. My interviewer asked me what I did outside of school and I talked about cheerleading. He was from Idaho and Cheerleading isn't really big there I don't think so I had to attempt to explain the entire sport. At the end he asked my favorite music and I was like .. "since now you know all about cheerleading I can tell you my favorite kind of music is cheer music." and he didn't get what cheer music was so I was giving examples of lots of voiceovers and explaining how that's one of the reasons it's different from other music....I hope I didn't sound like TOO much of an idiot...
Also one day my friend got a ring for her birthday and she let me try it on, and I was like "can't you see? the ring looks better on ME!"... she didn't get it and was slightly insulted. I had to explain and show the music the proving it really was from a song.

what college was it.
NEW CHEER TAKING OVER TODAY AT WORK!!! So today at work I was walking from break with a coworker and we pass the lead singer of the band 3oh3 and Im a decent 30h3 fan but im not crazy excessive about them but my friend was like omg that was the lead singer of 3oh3! And I was like oh I know cool huh...and hes like why are you not dying right now and Im like meh its not that impressive... not even 10 seconds later I see a girl with a wc odyssey shirt on and I got "omg shes on odessey!(note they are staying at the hotel I work at) omg shes cheers for World Cup! Ugh welcome to the O-zone!" and my friend just looks and me and shakes his head...and I just tell him "you wouldnt understand its a cheer thing"

OMG! thats great!!! that would be something i would do!!
#that Awkward Moment When Cheer Takes Over and i do kick doubles off the diving board in my swim class, cartwheels down the grocery store aisle, teach my 2 year old cousin Jonathan to do a back walkover, and the best part is when i make up/ learn cheer routines, and practically break stuff in the room from getting to excited!!
I love love love love this!
I almost cried when i found out they won on sunday night, they've been my favorite team since i started cheering.
I actually got the guts to walk up to a panther at the block party on sunday and basically told her how amazing her team was and she gave me a hug, best day of my cheerleading career :)

AWW! Im on panthers:) lol

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