I really thought they should have incorporated all my plot twists.
Reprinted here for anyone not following me on twitter:
Plot twist
@majorscheer Coaches not allowed to watch teams. Coach Mike files federal lawsuit.
Plot twist
@majorscheer This year every team will have to perform the exact same routine. Eric Little files federal lawsuit.
Plot twist
@majorscheer Only ACE teams are invited due to space limitations. Dept of Justice files restraint of trade lawsuit
Plot twist
@majorscheer Event adopts most restrictive high school rules and flyers renamed groundlings. Kim Archie retires happy
Plot twist
@majorscheer Large coed defined by amount of uniform. Victor Rosario annexes Amish community to begin new unis
Plot twist
@majorscheer New division is Black & Blue. All teams from Cali All Stars, Cheer Athletics & MD Twisters in a free for all
Plot twist
@majorscheer New division requires every routine to only use "Call Me Maybe" Audience heads explode like the movie Scanners
Plot twist
@majorscheer Music to stop randomly. Any flyer without a base is eliminated. Team with most flyers at the end moves to finals
Plot twist
@majorscheer Event producer division: EPs recreate their favorite routines of yesteryear. Parents judge and athletes sit & watch
Plot twist
@majorscheer Teams have to use UK jog during transitions. Event cancelled because teams can't hear music over JamStaff laughter
Plot twist
@majorscheer Woodland Elite Majors named honorary mascot
Plot twist
@majorscheer All routines rated R - no minors allowed
Plot twist
@majorscheer @Nfinity unveils paint on shoes with little ankle wings allowing flyers to self elevate