I know people in certain geographical locations with not enough bids or too many "big name" teams will disagree with me, but I hope it never gets easier to get Summit bids and the numbers are not drastically increased each year. (Though with the addition of the new venue next season, I'm guessing there will be because more can be accommodated.)
The Summit has everything I am missing from worlds; steep competition every day no matter what kind of bid you arrived on, HIGH caliber teams in their respective divisions, cleanliness, consistency, perfected routines. There's not one team I had to watch with jaw dropped, saying a prayer for their ACL's, curious how they arrived at the highest caliber event of the season. There's no crazy drop off in scores below the top five where the rest of the division is "okay." They're all so great and truly any team in the division could win.
It makes me very happy.