I apologize, I've been out of the office at One Up and haven't had the chance to get confirmation on everyone's questions until now. I'll do my best to answer them all to the best of my knowledge.
The Varsity arena (the tent everyone is talking about) is not being used for routines. It will specifically be for awards. The only two venues being used for routines at The Summit are the field house and J Center.
We should have a final team list and a block schedule by the end of the week.
WCMAN approximately 500 teams including dance competed at UCA All Star. We are currently at over 300 teams competing at The Summit.
There will be NO division splits at the Summit (example:Level 2 Large Youth 2 Division A and Level 2 Large Youth 2 Division B).
For divisions with less than 5 teams, all the teams will advance to finals with a clean slate of scores on day 2.
We are doing our best to give everyone that will be competing at The Summit the same prestige no matter what venue they are competing in.