Just so you're aware, white privilege is a thing.
Just so you're aware, I already know that.
Is white privilege a thing? Yes.
Is white privilege a thing that means white people can do, think, and say whatever they want, anytime, anywhere? No.
Therefore your example of ridiculous foolishness was exactly that. What I was commenting on was the "ghetto girls" statement. Nope. Sorry - nowhere is that gonna fly. And no, white privilege does not extend to that.
Is white privilege a thing that is the same everywhere, extended to all white people, like some sort of gift certificate we are handed at birth? No. So stop acting like it is.
Is white privilege carte blanche for every other race to think white people are all the same and are completely incapable of understanding struggle, racism, race relations, or anything else that requires a modicum of intelligence and life experience to understand? No. So stop throwing it out there like it covers everything. It doesn't. And it's offensive for you to think it does.
I stand by what I said - your statement was offensive. No, white people do not enjoy the privilege of thinking "ghetto girls is a harmless theme."
Here. Allow me to paste the other part of your statement:
Also: Perceived harmlessness does not determine whether something is racist or offensive. Example: You might think as a non-Native American that your Cowboys & Indians practice theme is "harmless" and that you "meant to no harm" but that does not absolve peeps from any fallout from it. Because your intent is not what you're judged by!
So in summary, don't. Thanks!
Just because YOU have some idea of what you think white people have, say, think, etc doesn't mean you actually know. Just because you think your statement was "fact" and therefore harmless, it wasn't. You read an article about how awesome and privileged it is to be white? Cool. Must mean you already know what I'm thinking, because obviously if there's an article about it, it can't be disputed.
How is it that when these girls did something dumb and offensive it's flat out racism - regardless of their intent or "perceived harmlessness" - but you can just say whatever, and when someone says it's offensive, suddenly it doesn't matter? Isn't the whole beginning of this thread about how the speaker's intent to be harmful doesn't matter? It's the listener/reader's perception that matters. So the fact that I found it offensive is irrelevant because I'm white?