All-Star Themed Practice Controversy

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I didn't read most of any of this thread besides the first post and looked at the picture. People are too damn sensitive these days. Thicken up your skin a bit, people. Like i've always said, some people aren't happy unless they're complaining about something.
There are sooooo many scholarships and bursaries that you can get at my school that are race specific but NOT ONE is for white people only. That is so racist. One of the girls I went to school with is black and received one of these, and when I told her I thought it was racist she said "it's not racist, you're white."
There's a whole tv channel called Black Entertainment Television (BET). They have magazines and dating websites specifically for African Americans. The double standard isn't new (I guess, depending on how you look at it), it has just shifted over time.
There are sooooo many scholarships and bursaries that you can get at my school that are race specific but NOT ONE is for white people only. That is so racist. One of the girls I went to school with is black and received one of these, and when I told her I thought it was racist she said "it's not racist, you're white."

the scholarships actually do not bother me. as others in this thread have mentioned, minorities have had to work really hard to get where they are today education wise, and if scholarships help send more kids to college who originally would not have, i am for it.

at one point in undergrad i was pre-med (before my come to jesus moment that if i were an MD i'd essentially be going 200 grand in debt to be a glorified drug dealer, but thats a topic for another time :oops:) while pre-med, i met with my advisor where she pointed out that being a white girl with my 3.9 GPA at a state school, i was average and that if i truly wanted to be a medical doctor, odds were i would most likely have to study abroad. and take a spot away from a student in another country trying to go to their own medical school because i could not get into one in my own country. i can't say i didn't think about checking off one of those little race/ethnicity boxes. i never, ever would, but the fact that if i did my odds of getting into school would increase ten-fold infuriated me for a while. to make sense of my feelings, i did some research as to why it is "easier" for a minority to get into medical school. or rather, why admissions committees preferred a non-white student... the reasoning most schools wanted a more diverse student population was because people of minorities were more culturally aware, more likely to work post-grad in underserved/impoverished communities, being bilingual (not everyone, but fine) and people of other ethnicities were more likely to trust them and choose them as a doctor. i don't disagree with any of those reasons but i still think the most qualified student should get in. oh well.

edited to clarify: my infuriation/anger was never towards anyone of a minority, only the med school admissions.
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First of all, the fact that you thought I would reply with something as stupid and petty and irrelevant as "we have a black president" pretty much sums up everything. Obviously you have no idea where my head is or how I think.

Second of all... That's not racism. That's one form of racism. Yes, it exists, and no I can't fix it. But no, that one quote, from ONE person, is not the end all, be all, all-encompassing definition of racism. Racism is significantly more than that.

I don't consider only being able to oppress an entire race at once the only way for racism to exist. Any time someone in power (and yes, black people can hold positions of power in this country. Do they hold a significant amount of power, over the whole country? No, of course not. But they can be in power over a group of people) is able to withhold privilege, finances, success, or anything else of value from someone based. solely. on. their. race. it. is. racism.

This. Is. Not. Prejudice. Prejudice solely means "pre judge" - literally. This is the only meaning of that word. You can't just make up definitions.

But if that's how you define racism - solely that one thing of oppressing an entire race - then yes, you're correct. :rolleyes:

@Ashley I think this addresses your post as well, but if not let me know. I'll also add that Chicago most definitely has racist leaders of all races - including black people. The racial divide in this city is astonishing at best, but really disgusting. And yes, I'm saying it - the people in power in this city that are black are racist. And no - I won't believe that they are not "in power" - because they are a large majority of our government and they have the power and ability to make laws.

I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. I just don't think it is something you (not directly you) will understand unless you're a minority, or a person of color (in my case).

"White Privilege is arrogantly believing that reverse racism actually exists."

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Now this topic is starting to have me think about that 'Star Trek' episode when the Enterprise were visiting a country of people warring over race... Each side had a reason why they hated the other side and was trying to explain it to Capt. Kirk and Dr. Spock. Capt. Kirk and Dr. Spock were looking at the 2 warring factions and could not understand why they were fighting and thought that 2 groups looked the same... At the end of the program, the viewers were told that the 2 warring factions hated each other because one group had the right side of their face painted White and the left side of the face painted Black, the other group had it just the opposite... These 2 groups picked out such slight differences between each other to kill over... Crazy!

PS: I really think that we are doing the same thing, instead of embracing the diversity of people... We rather kill each other over them! JMO

Or like Dr. Seuss' The Sneetches :P
the scholarships actually do not bother me. as others in this thread have mentioned, minorities have had to work really hard to get where they are today education wise, and if scholarships help send more kids to college who originally would not have, i am for it.
It's not the fact that those scholarships exist that bothers me, it's the fact that there are none for Scottish girls specifically. I'm competing with every girl at school for the ones I apply for. Whereas she was only competing against girls of her race.
I have never heard that before and I'm 40 + years in age. Actually I have family from my fathers side that settled in the Iron Mountain area. My great grandfather was from Quebec. My grandmother was Finnish. Her father, my great grandfather was from Finland. That area is also extremely French Canadian also. So I'm sorry but I'm going to take it offensive for the simple fact that you pretty much stated that your intentionally trying to offend a specific culture.
I'm extremely proud of my heritage and I encourage my CP's to be the same way! Seriously people there is so much hate already in this world!!!!! For those that intentionally mock or try to shame other cultures I feel very sorry for you.
I'm not trying to be hard nor attack you because I am giving you the benefit of the doubt and I'm just EDUCATING you with this post.
I I suppose we didn't think that it would be offense because of the way most people in the UP embrace the "yooper" culture. I'm happy that you embrace your heritage and your encourage your children to so as well. Thinking about it, I get upset when I hear people say derogatory things about Hispanic or Native American culture because of my heritage. I'm actually looking forward to going to school in the UP so I can learn more about Finnish culture because I've always been fascinated by it. I guess what I'm trying to say is thank for making me realize what I and my school have been doing is wrong and offensive. And I sincerely mean that.

We played a team from Michigan this past season and our student section dressed all yooper-ish (with the flannel and flappy hats) and had a sign that said "beat dem yoopers". I had no idea what it was until I asked one of my coaches haha. Until then I had never heard of it before.
Do you remember what school it was? If it was NMU then I'll (hopefully) be cheering there this year :)
Wow, you learn something everyday, I would never think that Nerds had a negative connotation to it, I guess, anything and everything can be considered negative and offensive depending on where you stand on the issue.
As an AA, I definitely see how Rednecks can be offensive and for many AA from the Deep South-Rednecks used to flanked themselves around that Dixie Flag, which also represented KKK to many of us. Some AA remembered hearing about the Rednecks, who tied and dragged people using their pick-up trucks. So Rednecks and KKK are the same to many of us who grew up in the South... Again, it is where or what side of line you stand on the issue that makes the difference...
(Double post, sorry) Im assuming by AA you mean African American (I kept trying to read it as the other AA... Sorry!) Anyways: I consider myself to be from the Deep South (central Louisiana), so I understand where you're coming from. And as sickening as it is, yes, the KKK still has a presence here. (When I was younger, which wasn't that long ago, a man in my neighborhood was arrested for taking part in a killing- yes, a black woman was killed- literally just miles from my house. Seriously, I couldn't make that stuff up. My town made TIME magazine.)
However, the term redneck, like plenty of other terms, has been taken out of what it truly used to mean. I grew up assuming a redneck was someone that worked hard outside all day (on a farm or in an oilfield, etc.), and always had a sunburned neck where their shirt collar was. Thus the term "redneck". To me, my grandpa, a logger, was a redneck. He worked long and hard for everything my mom's family had, and so "redneck" was painted in a good light for me. (Obviously now any boy with a pair of boots calls himself/is called a redneck, but that's neither here nor there.)
In the same way, because of the black boy that would make fun of my little sister in elementary school and call her "ole white girl", should I be offended by all black boys? Absolutely not. You're completely right in that it depends on which side of the line you stand on. I just wish society could find some middle ground on some of these issues.
I I suppose we didn't think that it would be offense because of the way most people in the UP embrace the "yooper" culture. I'm happy that you embrace your heritage and your encourage your children to so as well. Thinking about it, I get upset when I hear people say derogatory things about Hispanic or Native American culture because of my heritage. I'm actually looking forward to going to school in the UP so I can learn more about Finnish culture because I've always been fascinated by it. I guess what I'm trying to say is thank for making me realize what I and my school have been doing is wrong and offensive. And I sincerely mean that.

Do you remember what school it was? If it was NMU then I'll (hopefully) be cheering there this year :)
Actually now that you say it, I'm pretty positive it was NMU!!
There's a whole tv channel called Black Entertainment Television (BET). They have magazines and dating websites specifically for African Americans. The double standard isn't new (I guess, depending on how you look at it), it has just shifted over time.

I tried to stay out of this but as far as the BET channel goes it was start mostly as a showcase for African Americans who wasn't seen on main stream media and music videos (MTV didn't play African Americans videos at the time). I grew up watching the original BET channel. The world didn't know journalist Ed Gordon, Donnie Simpson or Tavis Smiley. Or even the impact that teen summit had on African American youth. Take it how you want but at least know the history behind something before you bash it.
I tried to stay out of this but as far as the BET channel goes it was start mostly as a showcase for African Americans who wasn't seen on main stream media and music videos (MTV didn't play African Americans videos at the time). I grew up watching the original BET channel. The world didn't know journalist Ed Gordon, Donnie Simpson or Tavis Smiley. Or even the impact that teen summit had on African American youth. Take it how you want but at least know the history behind something before you bash it.

Ditto for magazines. Black people weren't represented magazines, therefore black people created their own

As far as dating websites, several groups have their own specific dating sites because they wish to date within their own group. There's no harm in that.

For the record people of all races are allowed to watch BET, read Ebony and join blackpeoplemeet.
I tried to stay out of this but as far as the BET channel goes it was start mostly as a showcase for African Americans who wasn't seen on main stream media and music videos (MTV didn't play African Americans videos at the time). I grew up watching the original BET channel. The world didn't know journalist Ed Gordon, Donnie Simpson or Tavis Smiley. Or even the impact that teen summit had on African American youth. Take it how you want but at least know the history behind something before you bash it.

BET was formed before MTV. And MTV did play African American artists.

But I don't actually think scholarships and TV channels are good examples of racism against white people, so I won't get too into this. I am in the school of thought that white people have plenty of TV channels and magazines and scholarships. Just because they're not named with the word "white" in them does not mean they are not for white people. (this last part was not for you, it was for the people using those as examples)

Just wanted to throw out some facts, since you're concerned about her knowing the history.
That's okay. :) You learn something new every day.

I honestly can't blame you, since from my experience, a lot of black kids (but not all, of course) use horrible grammar online and type lyk thissssss.... It drives me insane.

To me, writing like that tells me nothing more than it is written by a kid :) I don't see education or race in that, just youth!
I tried to stay out of this but as far as the BET channel goes it was start mostly as a showcase for African Americans who wasn't seen on main stream media and music videos (MTV didn't play African Americans videos at the time). I grew up watching the original BET channel. The world didn't know journalist Ed Gordon, Donnie Simpson or Tavis Smiley. Or even the impact that teen summit had on African American youth. Take it how you want but at least know the history behind something before you bash it.
I never knew that. Sorry for making unjustified assumptions. I always assumed it was a more recent creation I guess. And same to @HeresAThought (I tried to quote you both but apparently my phone has forgotten what copy is.)
Me too. Although I think it's not about what you think it's about. It'll be interesting to see. I'll hold off my comments on it until I actually see it. (Side note - I LOL at anyone that thinks any form of mainstream media - specifically the Fox news she mentions - is remotely demonstrative of what white people think)

I disagree with this more than I've ever disagreed with anything I've read on Fierce Board.

Obviously this is more often true for minorities (that it does affect their success I mean). But if you think white people can't experience racism... Or have it affect their success or keep them from getting a job... I have some reality for you up here in Chicago (not the southern US, so it's different. Yes, really.)

I don't know what to say to this that won't get me banned, so I'm just quoting it to say wow. The amount of time it would take me to type out why this is wrong is not even imaginable. I'm curious if you would be willing to elaborate on this though. (in your own words, not a quote)

:shimmy: Just hitting the shimmy button isn't enough. This thread has brought out the WTF in me so many times I'm getting a new wrinkle.

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