honestly i know what you mean about the negativity in some areas of cheerleading, the very first gym i was ever apart of was the most inclusive supportive environment i have ever been in, the coaches were so involved with all of their athletes now we were not the most competitive high caliber team around but it didnt matter to us all we cared about was the gym and the owners went out of their way to help us make sure we could all afford to compete, go to competitions, we had sponsors, and scholarships it was amazing, then i moved and started a new gym that seemed perfect it was a gym with 2 locations the 1st location had an amazing reputation so we decided to try the gym out their 2nd location was closer to us so thats the one i stayed with for the year, their business was horrible all they were after was the money involved and you could tell they were DEEP in the hole, charging 500$ for uniforms, hiring a ridiculously expensive choreographer who knew nothing there were hidden fees everywhere, it was a nightmare to say the least they treated the new families to the gym like poop and the old ones like royalty i moved after only a year at being at that gym only to hear later it got bought out and the old coaches and administration was kicked out from the gym because of a lot more behind the scenes nonsense that i do not even want to get into, basically all im trying to say is shop around try the new gyms out before paying for anything ask parents google the gyms look for reviews on different website or boards it really comes in handy best of luck dont give up on something because of peoples arrogance