Am I the only one absolutely completely and utterly LOST??????
No! im with you... something about a bus. and a floor mat, and facebook?!?!
I was too then I got it! Very long story short:
- East Coast Nitros had 3 gyms (2 MD 1 DE)
- The DE gym was previously Shore Thunder
- Before tryouts the original coaches of ECN wanted to take down/replace/put away whatever leftover ST things (pictures, welcome mat, things saying ST)
- The ST coach confronted an ECN coach about it
- ECN wanted to have a meeting about it
- Via text message ECN was kicked out of the gym by ST
- A ST coach posted something on facebook about ECN no longer being with them
- ECN sent out an email confirming they were no longer in the DE gym & their side of what happened
- ECN sent out another email about posting things on social networking sites & that they only want to see positive things so they're adding a clause to their handbook about negative posts about any teammate, parent, coach, gym, etc. & they'll be kicked out
- ECN bought a bus to shuttle the kids (new & old) from the DE gym to one of their others so they could still cheer with them
- ECN sent out another email about a supposed rumor that the coaches asked that their team (C4) be judged differently at an ACDA competition. ACDA attached a letter to the parents saying this rumor wasn't true & also added that a "former nitros coach made derogatory statements regarding our company"
Debated questions:
- Why did ECN wait until the end of the season to say something regarding leftover ST things?/Why didn't they buy a new welcome mat without complaining?
- Is it common/have you ever head of a gym buying a bus to shuttle their kids to another location?
- Why does ECN make the person from ST & the situation look worse that it is/was?
- What is ST's side of the story?
- Why is a cheer company getting involved in a gyms internal drama?
Better? Hopefully this is all right I tried!:)