I was out of town with no cellphone signal so just getting back here now.
Here is some of the examples I was talking about:
CA "cheerlebrity"...conducts themselves professionally on social media (more than the average kid their age). I've never seen a inappropriate tweet or IG picture by CM, MS, HB (when she was there). I don't see them pimping a ton of products (except Cheerbandz, which is a helpful, athlete appropriate promotion) or advertising for "followers" on social media. At comps they really try to make the kids happy and take pictures, when they can't they explain the best way they can (remembering these are teens and not media managers). I chalk that all up to the coaches setting clear expectations of their behavior from the beginning and enforcing them. For example (and I may be off on the details) but a member of a team was dismissed at a comp a few seasons ago because he decided to put his team on blast when they had a bad performance.
"Cheerlebrities" from other gyms I have seen post inappropriate pictures to IG and then claim their account was hacked. Get into twitter wars with other people because they didn't like what someone said (and then rile up all of their followers to go after the person as well). Promote everything from diet pills to workout apps to their mom's Advocare business. Push other athletes out of the way to see a team perform because "don't you know who I am!" If the coaches don't address this behavior and make it clear it's unacceptable it just keeps going.
Honestly what I see is determined by who I follow. These are only my observations.