Good Luck, Good Luck, Good luck to all the Coaches, Athletes and Parents. Every parent that has taken their precious time to be involved with this very demanding SPORT (yes I called it a SPORT because it is very much a SPORT), I'd like to thank each and every one of you because I know how much of a role you all play with being involved in All Star cheerleading. Along with all the fierceboarders and twitterlings that will keep us at home posted!! Cheerleading and the Road to Worlds and actually getting there takes a lot of hard work and planning!! To all Athletes participating at Worlds I am beyond proud of each and every one of you and for those who didn't make it because of level or didn't get a bid, I am proud of you all too!! Do your best and give it your all and you will not fail yourself or your team mates. Focus, Fun and live in the moment. I will be at home during this best weekend of the year and I will start with my Worlds Prayer at Midnight that no one gets hurt and everyone traveling makes it to Florida safely. Then I will get out my schedule and phone and computer and follow whats going on down there. When my favorite teams come up I will not wait 30 minutes later to see it on VOD, for 2:30 seconds that my teams are actually performing will be a moment of silence as I visualize their performance then comes me screaming and hollering!! By then I will be able to watch the performance on VOD and do it again!!! Good Luck all and be safe and have fun, I'll be there next year for sure GOD willing!!
Actually March, April and May are my most favorite months heres why, NCAA March Madness Road to the Finals!! Then April is my Birthday and *All-Star Cheerleading Worlds* is usually at the end of this wonderful month along with NBA Play-offs (Go Lakers). Then in May the new cheerleading season comes around (starting all over again) along with my anniversary!!