I talked about this all weekend to everyone I could. And no one seemed to care. But it bothers me. What I am wondering is, Did they really tie, or was it mutually agreed upon.
2nd, yes the # of boys greatly helps the pyramids.
3rd, they had no where near the correct amount of spotters that they needed to perform those pyramids legally. When you have 5 girls on the top layer of a pyramid you need 10 people just to spot (front and back) on the ground and multiple times i saw no spotter on one of the sides. Also, when you dismount from a 2.5 high pyramid, you need 2 people to catch the top girl. And there were several times where they just had one.
So i want to know if legality comes into play at all. Did the USASF fully know about this and turn the other cheek? Did they not even count how many people were out there and just score what they saw? Did no one realize the several illegal elements?