Any team that intentionally performed a round-off as a tumbling pass, is not a World champion in my eyes.
I'm usually the most supportive person of USASF on this board, and kind with my words when talking about these thing's, but I feel like they messed up massively by letting this slide. And I say "let it slide" because any USASF safety certified judge would call those pyramid legalitys. If they didn't notice them, then they have no business being up on the judges stand at Worlds. I don't mean to be harsh with words, but I judge because I love the sport, and want to help it continue to grow in both size and respect. This is a bad situation that looks bad on the credibility of not just the USASF, but Cheerleading as a whole.
Now on the fact that Bangkok was never warned or notified of rule violations and too many guys on the mat, that's all on the USASF. What should be done about it? I think that the USASF should release an official statement admitting to their mistake and apologizing to the teams in this division who followed the rules. They should not strip Bangkok of their title, because its ultimately USASFs fault for not calling out their rule infractions in advanced. Any team in violation should keep their place, but the teams below them move into the place about e and teams in violation will be considered a shared place. "Tie" . If any team doesn't except this offer, they should refund entry fees to the competition who gave them the bid and remove them from placements. This is the fairest way to handle the situation , and I hope the USASF does something about it for the sake of credibility of the entire cheer World.