All-Star Top Gun Uniform Discussion

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Ok, I wasn't gonna chime in on this, but this bothers me. Ya'll in Miami can wear whatever you want and dance however you want, but don't say cheer isn't a conservative sport because in MOST of the U S of A it is. And we pride ourselves with the fact that our kids can participate in such an amazing sport without selling out "morally" or "ethically" while doing so. My girls happen to belong to a gym that would NEVER wear inappropriate uniforms that show cleavage or whatever and would never be sexually provocative in their dances. As a matter of fact, when we have a choreographer come in and do a dance and we as a staff feel it's inappropriate, we change it the minute they leave. Cheer absolutely is a conservative sport if you are at the right gym....

Whoa!!! Goodness... so because I say that I don't think cheer is a conservative sport, that means that I am saying that these kids are selling out "morally" or "ethically"??!!?? HUH?? I think you're reading into my comment just a bit there aren't you?

Moral and Ethical judgements are left up to the viewer. What I and many others might view as perfectly fine, others might view as inappropriate. And all female cheerleaders wear short skirts last time I checked.

So I guess from your post if I am to "read into" your response as much as you "read into" mine, you think my daughter is a morally and ethically bankrupt and selling out because her cleavage was showing in her uniform. We'll have to agree to disagree on that one. I don't make moral judgements based on a person's cheer outfit.
Honestly I think we should mandate two cuts of uniforms for males and females. Males short sleeves and long sleeves, and females crop top and full top. You can go insane silly with the colors and rhinestones. And while I am all for people getting excited and what not over uniforms, were getting a bit like dance with the over the top uniforms.

I think changing uniforms puts too much pressure on teams. I don't remember a team coming out in a brand new uniform that was over the top and actually doing well. GA is a perfect example, and F5 from this past weekend. To me that is just a whole other layer of mental stress on top of just trying to hit a dang routine. Why complicate it with a new uniform.
If things like this don't need to be discussed and evaluated...what is the purpose of this message board?

Oh. Right to discuss the industry as a whole.
no one said anything about the right or no right at all but some people are just commenting with nonsense and not much educational thought process in responses so its pointless to discuss when you cant even find the constructive nature of some people who are truly making a valued statement.
When helping my kids decide what sport to do, I never thought "hmmm what can they do that focuses on skimpy and sexy" had that even entered my mine she wouldn't be in cheer, because when I think of sports in general I don't think skimpy, sexy, flashy. I just don't sorry.
There are some really great pros and cons in this thread. I am a huge fan of TG and think the world of the staff. I often make positive comments about them here on the boards as well. But this time IMO they got it wrong.

Usually when I want to tell a friend or relative what Allstars is all about, I show a Top Gun video. To me they are the epitome of innovation, athletism, and showmanship. However, I would not choose a video where the team wore this uniform because in my opinion it reinforces stereotypes that we have worked hard to dispel.

I also think the "It's Miami" is an excuse. Top Gun is seen as a representative of Allstars across the country and 99% of the uniforms out there do not come anywhere close to showing as much skin as those do. In addition, we aren't out at the beach; we are in multiple locations across the country in arenas.

Lastly, Acedad has a very valid concern which most have avoided. There has been talk of regulating uniforms for a couple years. If this does not give some validity to that argument then I do not know what will. Unintended consequences and all.

As a leader of the industry, I hope the TG staff will see that revealing more and more isn't necessarily being innovative. I don't believe it's good for the girls that compete in these uniforms AND not good for the Allstar industry that TG has been instrumental in helping to create. Just think about it.

Perfectly said.
no one said anything about the right or no right at all but some people are just commenting with nonsense and not much educational thought process in responses so its pointless to discuss when you cant even find the constructive nature of some people who are truly making a valued statement.

Thats just the risk you have to take here because I can guarantee that we are not all at the same level of education or have the same capability of constructing rational thoughts.
Whoa!!! Goodness... so because I say that I don't think cheer is a conservative sport, that means that I am saying that these kids are selling out "morally" or "ethically"??!!?? HUH?? I think you're reading into my comment just a bit there aren't you?

Moral and Ethical judgements are left up to the viewer. What I and many others might view as perfectly fine, others might view as inappropriate. And all female cheerleaders wear short skirts last time I checked.

So I guess from your post if I am to "read into" your response as much as you "read into" mine, you think my daughter is a morally and ethically bankrupt and selling out because her cleavage was showing in her uniform. We'll have to agree to disagree on that one. I don't make moral judgements based on a person's cheer outfit.

You can read into my post whatever you want. Let's just suffice it to say my daughters would NOT be in cheer if the gyms around us were required to wear revealing uniforms or were doing dances that would make their grandmother faint (your words, not mine). There is a line between athletic and inappropriate. By your own admission cheerleading where you are from is "not conservative". "Not conservative" to me means inappropriate.

I have always loved to watch Top Gun and no one has EVER come close to the creativity and originality that your gym brings to our sport. And for that I have a ton of respect for your gym. I enjoyed every TG routine I saw this past weekend, including the international teams. Uniforms, however, I cannot respect. That's my choice. I wasn't even going to comment about them at all until you tried to claim that cheer is not conservative, because it is pretty much everywhere but Miami apparently.
Here is the thing. IMO, the uniform isn't any more skimpy than those of years past and of other gyms. The problem is the tops are too small for some of the young ladies on the team. This team happens to have young ladies who have been "blessed" in certain areas more than in years past.

Heather Tabb (no I am not her agent or mother) happens to have the perfect body type for this uniform. That's probably why she is one of the models in the most recent GK Catalog because every uniform and practice outfit looks amazing on her.

John's daughter Ashley, as well as Amanda and Casey, to name a few, have a little more up top than the average Top Gun girl. There are a couple of other young ladies on the team who are even more blessed in that area. So as Cory said, adjustments will be made and the uniform will be just fine with no more "wardrobe malfunctions".

Miami is not like the rest of the country. It's very latin and european and as most of you all should be aware, it's us Americans who take issue with exposing the human body. In most of Europe and South America, it's embraced.

So Viva Miami and Viva Top Gun!
If you don't cheer at Top Gun why are you worried? You don't have to wear the Uniform at all nor do your kids. This is a none issue and their are so many things to be concerned with for one uniform attention. For those of you who disagree its respected, for those of you who just like to hate well then that's your choice as well and just keep it movin.

that's a cop out. you don't get to sashay through the years as a "model program", as one of the forefathers of the sport and when there is resistance tell everyone to worry about their own? this is coming from a program that wants to be at the forefront of safety and every other hot issue in allstar cheerleading.

i could give two craps about the uniforms in actuality. but TG is in the center of everything: the owners, coaches and athletes play a large role is shaping this sport-- and that's a role that they have accepted and have to deal with. they set precedence and example in the industry, so everything they do will either be praised or scrutinized. if this was some random team from north dakota that had NO INFLUENCE, there wouldn't be so much hype about the uniforms. IMO, TG is trying to appropriately deal with the uniform, they have stated the uniform will have adjustments and it appears that the action shots have been taken down. this is a lesson learned, nothing more- nothing less. but don't try to pull that "everybody worry about themselves business" on something that has a reflection on everyone involved (directly and indirectly).
It is better to be talked about than not talked about at all.
For serious.. I'm sure they're taking the "even bad press is good press" stance.

I don't think anyone is trying to prevent Top Gun from showcasing their Miami/Latin/Euro flair (because I LOVE Miami for basically all those reasons combined). Just keep the "twins" on the DL. Thanks.
Here is the thing. IMO, the uniform isn't any more skimpy than those of years past and of other gyms. The problem is the tops are too small for some of the young ladies on the team. This team happens to have young ladies who have been "blessed" in certain areas more than in years past.

Heather Tabb (no I am not her agent or mother) happens to have the perfect body type for this uniform. That's probably why she is one of the models in the most recent GK Catalog because every uniform and practice outfit looks amazing on her.

John's daughter Ashley, as well as Amanda and Casey, to name a few, have a little more up top than the average Top Gun girl. There are a couple of other young ladies on the team who are even more blessed in that area. So as Cory said, adjustments will be made and the uniform will be just fine with no more "wardrobe malfunctions".

Miami is not like the rest of the country. It's very latin and european and as most of you all should be aware, it's us Americans who take issue with exposing the human body. In most of Europe and South America, it's embraced.

So Viva Miami and Viva Top Gun!

My only problem with this is that I feel like this is something that should be taken into consideration before the uniform is performed in. First, and correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't this past weekend the first time the uniforms were worn? So they were made knowing who was on the team already, and with plenty of time to fit the girls first. And second, as has been asked numerous times already, why wouldn't they do a dress rehearsal??? I know when my daughters get a new uni, they try them on. They stretch, jump, tumble in them.

Did these girls just receive the uniforms this weekend, throw them on, and run out onto the floor? Without trying them on and making sure they fit and were going to stay on during the routine? I'm sorry but I feel like maybe TG was so busy trying to show off their designing creativity and forward thinking in the industry that they didn't spend any time trying to see if this was actually a good decision or not.

(***And FWIW I am glad the photos have been taken down.)

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