All-Star Top Gun Uniform Discussion

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I hope someone on TG is contacting Action Moments to have those photos removed. Pictures on the internet are forever, as so many young people have learned the hard way! These wonderful athletes do not need to be remembered for wardrobe malfunctions.

I second this. Regardless of how WE feel about the unis, those pics were easily accessible to anyone. Including Creepasaurus Rex in Germany. So while we can all (well most) have an open and frank discussion about all this I would genuinely be horrified for one of these poor girls to find one of her pictures in the wrong hands.
I dont think wearing a specific uniform will or will not recognize cheerleading as a sport. I feel like most people have this idea if your not wearing shoulder pads, or a helmet it is not a sport. Thats totally not the case. Beach Volley Ball is a sport, and they wear bathing suits when they can easily just wear shorts and a t-shirt. Honestly, I could careless if they peformed naked as long as they are hitting their stunts.
I second this. Regardless of how WE feel about the unis, those pics were easily accessible to anyone. Including Creepasaurus Rex in Germany. So while we can all (well most) have an open and frank discussion about all this I would genuinely be horrified for one of these poor girls to find one of her pictures in the wrong hands.

Why wouldn't those shoe thingys be considered jewelry? Like if one falls off, trip, fall, stunt sequence DOWN! Loss of grip on the ankle (which may not matter cause of coed stunting). Ex: Cali got deductions for one girl having something around her ankle, why wouldn't this be considered some type of "jewelry" infraction?

What about the arm straps being like jewelry? From what I can tell (and I could very well be incorrect), it seems the bottom half of the sleeves are not attached to the main body of the uniform. How does one say a hairtie / blalance band around the wrist is jewelry but those straps up and down the arms aren't. Potentially just as tricky / dangerous.
And as for uniforms mattering or not mattering - I don't really think they do. I think we try and one up our opponents off the mat with flashier uniforms, but I don't really think they make or break anyones scores. I've seen some kick booty Open teams blow everyone else out of the water wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

i think they start to matter though when they start taking away from the choreography and when you start focusing more on the girls fixing their uniform the whole time rather then the routine itself and the skills the team is competing. because obviously we all know that tg is a talented team and gym but if there is this much discussion, mostly saying that the uniforms are not liked, then its a problem. im not saying just because almost everyone that has posted on them has had a problem with them that they should change them.... im saying its a problem that the uniform is getting this much discussion and its own thread but the routine and how they did in dallas is not getting nearly as much discussion.

personally, i was not in dallas, but i did watch the video. the uniforms look very plain when you watch them in the video and i couldnt see ALL the pulling and adjusting of the uniform but i could see some and was wondering why at first because until i actually saw a picture i couldnt tell what the uniform was. they are not nearly as cute as other tg uniforms i have seen. too much black, no gold at all? i applaud them for stepping out of the box and trying to be different, but they may have stepped a little far this time. i think its great that they are trying to get them fixed but really the uniforms are even that flashy on the floor, they dont do the team justice. just my opinion though.
I'm glad we made this it's own thread =)
I'm glad we made this it's own thread =)

There are some really great pros and cons in this thread. I am a huge fan of TG and think the world of the staff. I often make positive comments about them here on the boards as well. But this time IMO they got it wrong.

Usually when I want to tell a friend or relative what Allstars is all about, I show a Top Gun video. To me they are the epitome of innovation, athletism, and showmanship. However, I would not choose a video where the team wore this uniform because in my opinion it reinforces stereotypes that we have worked hard to dispel.

I also think the "It's Miami" is an excuse. Top Gun is seen as a representative of Allstars across the country and 99% of the uniforms out there do not come anywhere close to showing as much skin as those do. In addition, we aren't out at the beach; we are in multiple locations across the country in arenas.

Lastly, Acedad has a very valid concern which most have avoided. There has been talk of regulating uniforms for a couple years. If this does not give some validity to that argument then I do not know what will. Unintended consequences and all.

As a leader of the industry, I hope the TG staff will see that revealing more and more isn't necessarily being innovative. I don't believe it's good for the girls that compete in these uniforms AND not good for the Allstar industry that TG has been instrumental in helping to create. Just think about it.
There are some really great pros and cons in this thread. I am a huge fan of TG and think the world of the staff. I often make positive comments about them here on the boards as well. But this time IMO they got it wrong.

Usually when I want to tell a friend or relative what Allstars is all about, I show a Top Gun video. To me they are the epitome of innovation, athletism, and showmanship. However, I would not choose a video where the team wore this uniform because in my opinion it reinforces stereotypes that we have worked hard to dispel.

I also think the "It's Miami" is an excuse. Top Gun is seen as a representative of Allstars across the country and 99% of the uniforms out there do not come anywhere close to showing as much skin as those do. In addition, we aren't out at the beach; we are in multiple locations across the country in arenas.

Lastly, Acedad has a very valid concern which most have avoided. There has been talk of regulating uniforms for a couple years. If this does not give some validity to that argument then I do not know what will. Unintended consequences and all.

As a leader of the industry, I hope the TG staff will see that revealing more and more isn't necessarily being innovative. I don't believe it's good for the girls that compete in these uniforms AND not good for the Allstar industry that TG has been instrumental in helping to create. Just think about it.

I still think Heather Tabb looks great in the uniform :).
okay, i'm not going to point fingers, i'm not going to use vulgar language, but i am going to say it as it is. These are ATHLETES people, not circus freaks or exotic pole dancers, and not even gymnasts (by the wording of this I am going to clarify, I'm not saying gymnasts aren't athletes, but cheerleaders are not gymnasts) just like any sport, athletes should be clothed according to the skills they will be performing. if you have to constantly be tugging here and there and putting the uni back to where it's supposed to fit, thats a big sign that maybe they shouldnt be wearing it. we dont wear uniforms to see how many heads we can turn, honestly, the uniforms dont even matter. we are judged on the skills we perform, not what we perform in, and if athletes are wearing something that no longer allows them to perform their skills properly, then i think these coaches need to think over their decisions. we are looking to prove we're a sport, not get another headliner of "scantily dressed cheerleaders raise eyebrows". i understand trends change and develop, but this? this is not a trend. this is disgusting. i for one would much rather see the pleated skirt come back then see these athletes wear some of the uniforms they do. i wouldn't mind the usasf stepping in and laying down some ground rules....

why did this get moved to "top gun uniform discussion"? i never once mentioned top gun. i was making a general statement about uniforms.
Action Moments site is down. I wonder if they are busy deleting...
i actually loved the only complaint that i saw was people pulling their tops up and a certain girl i wont describe her clevage was wayyyyy coming out the top of her top. but other than that i thought they were very cute, stylish and fun to watch. Only a certain body type can fit that outfit! :) work it!

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