okay, i'm not going to point fingers, i'm not going to use vulgar language, but i am going to say it as it is. These are ATHLETES people, not circus freaks or exotic pole dancers, and not even gymnasts (by the wording of this I am going to clarify, I'm not saying gymnasts aren't athletes, but cheerleaders are not gymnasts) just like any sport, athletes should be clothed according to the skills they will be performing. if you have to constantly be tugging here and there and putting the uni back to where it's supposed to fit, thats a big sign that maybe they shouldnt be wearing it. we dont wear uniforms to see how many heads we can turn, honestly, the uniforms dont even matter. we are judged on the skills we perform, not what we perform in, and if athletes are wearing something that no longer allows them to perform their skills properly, then i think these coaches need to think over their decisions. we are looking to prove we're a sport, not get another headliner of "scantily dressed cheerleaders raise eyebrows". i understand trends change and develop, but this? this is not a trend. this is disgusting. i for one would much rather see the pleated skirt come back then see these athletes wear some of the uniforms they do. i wouldn't mind the usasf stepping in and laying down some ground rules....