My daughter has spent her entire career at a small gym learning and perfecting her skills, and then this year left for a bigger more competitive gym. Now for my reasons.... Our gym was only able to offer a restricted 5 team or an IOC5. She has a strong level 5 tumbling, we felt as a family she deserved to throw the skills she has, and be challenged with girls of similar age and skills, and harder skills to push her. Then you can say well she had IOC5, but this division is a division she will have to be in soon enough, she has this year and next year if she choses to super senior. Plus, it is ages 14 to 35+ big age spread....hard division IMO. But the time, effort, and dedication, goes both ways!!!! There are children who have been in and on the same teams with my daughter since she was on youth, who have not advanced like my daughter.....same classes, same coaches, ect. I think it is a very hard and personal decision these children have to make......but in no way are any of the coaches that have touched my daughters life forgotten!!! The will always be considered treasures in my eyes!!!!